Friday, September 20, 2024

Increase Sales With Minor Changes

Just a few minor changes to ad copy, tactics or business techniques can be enough to boost sales without burdening your budget. To modify your sales approach, choose one or more ideas from this list.

1. Reward visitors to your web site with discounts or gifts. This helps to create good will that can spread virally if the information you provide is passed on to others. Be sure to make the gift useful so it will be appreciated.

2. Test, test, test. Eliminate problems and limit refunds before rolling out a product through judicious testing with customers, colleagues or web site visitors. You might offer a free gift in exchange for feedback, along with use of the product.

3. Bonuses, limited quantities and deadlines are all tools that can enhance the value of your product. Find whatever reason you can to encourage customers to buy now rather than think about returning later. Once they leave your site, they have plenty of distractions to keep them from returning.

4. Make sure that you know and can clearly state your unique selling proposition. Demonstrate precisely why your product differs from the competition’s. Perceived value and uniqueness are important selling features that can overshadow price.

5. Take a product aimed at a large market and focus on smaller niches. If you’re selling an accounting program, for example, tailor it and your ad copy for market segments like medical, real estate and restaurants.

6. Juice up your sales letter with a surprise bonus to create more incentive to buy. By over delivering with two bonuses instead of one, you will create a satisfied customer who may return again and again while recommending you to others.

7. Repackage your product, combining it with others that you own or have the rights to. Then set time limits for sales and explain that this package will not be sold again after that date. This way you create both uniqueness and urgency.

8. Expand the scope of your web site to meet more visitor needs. If you are offering a service, why not make relevant books or courses available as well?

9. Devote part of your site to free ad space for a select group of corporations that can enhance your credibility merely by their presence.

10. Create emotional impact in your ad copy through vivid language that helps the reader to see how the product will meet their needs and change their lives. Project their lives a year or two into the future, explaining what has happened through the use of your product. Imagery that grabs readers and makes them see the product in action is a powerful sales booster.

Todd Kenovas is Marketing Manager for the targeted
Internet advertising
option, Webways Media. See
for more information.

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