Friday, September 20, 2024

Korea Gets First Taste of Yahoo’s Blog Search

Yahoo is currently testing its blog-search in Korea. When Yahoo releases the blog-search in other countries such as the United States, it will pose a competitive threat to other blog search engines like Technorati.

The number of blogs on the Internet continues to double itself every five and a half months according to Technorati. By the end of last month, it was already tracking 14.2 million blogs.

Korea Gets First Taste of Yahoo's Blog Search Stefanie Olsen of CNET talks reports on Yahoo’s blog-search features:

The various search tools, which are available from a pull-down menu next to the search bar, let visitors retrieve content and photos within all Web logs, or just within most recent blog postings or favorite-tagged pages.

Yahoo is planning to begin testing the same capabilities for its U.S. blog-publishing service in the coming weeks, according to a source familiar with the plan. Yahoo search engineer Jeremy Zawodny also hinted at work the company is doing in the area at a recent conference in London, according to an attendee who runs the blog.

Yahoo is the first of the big three (Google, Yahoo, and MSN) to show us a blog-search function. Google incorporates blogs into its regular search results, but that’s obviously not the same thing.

I can only speculate that Google and MSN aren’t far behind Yahoo in the blog-search arena. You know how these guys like to stay competitive.

Chris is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.

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