Thursday, September 19, 2024

Search Images With Pixsy

While it may be true that Google has a firm grip on the image search “industry,” (GIS anyone?) there’s always room to welcome another to the party.

With that in mind, allow murdok to introduce, a search engine dedicated to finding images located at the various blogs, social networks, and other random sites that produce unique content. Pixsy’s goal is to produce images other engines don’t find and that’s why the developers limit their search to the more personal aspect of the web.

Search Images With Pixsy Pixsy does not use spiders to populate their index, instead they seem to favor human editors who can locate these sites that produce unique content on a regular basis. According to Pixsy, The result: photos not found anywhere else on the web.

Pixsy’s search results are presented similar to other image searches: images with the originating URL appearing underneath the image. When a result image is clicked, users are taken to a page that features the image link, the originating page link and a representation of the site it was found on. Pixsy also uses image-based contextual ads, which are normally related to the query.

All in all, this is a very effective attempt at creating an image search engine that’s separate from the Big 3. Judging by a couple of queries I performed, Pixsy seems to have a respectable image index. Considering how quickly content is added to the sections of the web Pixsy searches, there should be enough images to keep Pixsy going indefinitely.

Thanks to Gary Price for the heads-up.

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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