Thursday, September 19, 2024

The MozBot Engine

There’s something new coming up says Gary Price from SearchEngineWatch. It’s a new search engine in France, and there’s a plug for Mac users and FireFox-adepts. Let’s check this out.

[The MozBot Engine]


Interesting Statistics of the First Week of Activity of MozBot :

Voici une petite statistique qui nous sembl intressante sur le nombre de pages de rsultats consultes en moyenne par les visiteurs du moteur sur cette premire semaine d’activit :

– 75% des internautes n’ont consult que la premire page de rsultats.
– 10% ont galement consult la 2me.
– 5% sont alls jusqu’ la 5me.
– 2% ont pouss leurs investigations jusqu la 4me.
– Enfin, 1% ont affich la 5me page de rsultats.

Si vous comptez bien, 7% sont alls plus loin que cette 5me page


Here’s a little statistic about the average number of consulted pages by the visitors, this first week of activity, that seemed interesting to us :

– 75% of the surfers didn’t request more than the first page of results.
– 10% has requested the second page of search results.
– 5% of the surfers browsed through the results to the fifth page.
– 2% pushed the investigation to page number four.
– Last but not least, 1% actually loaded the fifth page of results.

If you count well, 7% of the surfers went further than the 5th page.

Straight from [SearchEngineWatch]

“Mozbot has a partnership with Google to provide web results and offers a number of value-added features. Here’s a list of a few of them:

Personal Black List
Direct Links to The Wayback Machine
Information about the Site (Whois, etc.)
Related Searches
Dictionary Definitions
Send Pages and Results via E-Mail
Options to “Skin” Mozbot

Look for versions of Mozbot aimed at users in US and UK to go live in September.”

Also on [Coolz0r]

Reader Comments…

Nathan Weinberg writes the popular InsideGoogle blog, offering the latest news and insights about Google and search engines.

Visit the InsideGoogle blog.

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