Saturday, October 5, 2024

Buckaroo Bill At the MS Ranch Lassos RSS for Longhorn

The Seattle slue up at the MS Ranch in Redmond said they were gonna lasso Really Simple Syndication (RSS) into the Longhorn corral. Those fellas on the Longhorn cattle drive say RSS is gonna be like driving cattle to the stockyards in Kansas City. This is gonna put all the news and info into cattle cars so it’ll be ready to load

The Computerman’s Association was meetin’ at that Gnomedex 5.0 and the MS Ranch also announced they’d be puttin’ out there own brand on things called Simple List Extensions (SLE). SLE’s give folks a chance to add their own produce onto to the steam engine called RSS. Folks can add photograph albums and Gene Autry playlists to feed the RSS. And they’re a gonna run it through the Creative Commons thing for open sourcin’ so anyone’ll be able to use it. That’s pretty fair a ol’ Buckeroo Bill I reckon.

Buckaroo Bill At the MS Ranch Lassos RSS for Longhorn

Them thar SLEs should really do the trick on the ranch there when we hire a photo fella to take our picture a wrestlin’ the mule. Or when we head over to the mercantile to order some near bear grease, this’ll tell us if the switch brands or somethin’.

“RSS is key to how people will use the Internet in the future by automatically delivering the information that is important to them,” said trail boss Dean Hachamovitch, who them city slickers call a general manager for “Longhorn” browsing and RSS at Microsoft. “We are investing heavily in RSS for Windows Longhorn’ to make it easy for users to discover, read and subscribe to RSS feeds as well as enable developers to deliver powerful, smart applications that act on the information on behalf of the user.”

Longhorn also added some other nice features to the bunkhouse. Cowpokes, when sittin’ down with a plate beans, can look over their news and when they hit a story from the Tombstone Epitaph with an RSS, then the Longhorn will grab it and light it up. Then you can save it fer later. Heck, it’ll even fix it to where you can get more stories from the Epitaph there at the bunkhouse.

A lotta fellas like this here new fangled thing the MS Ranch is gonna throw up in their new Longhorn. The boys over in the Amazon said they was real keen on the idea.

“We’re excited to see Microsoft making RSS an integral part of the Longhorn’ platform,” said Jeff Barr, program manager for Amazon Web Services. He’s really one of them big city trail bosses too. “We look forward to seeing all the ways that developers surprise us with their innovations that combine the Longhorn’ RSS platform and the data and technology we make available through Amazon Web Services.”

I reckon we’ll still have to until next year to see this here new Longhorn old Buckeroo Bill and his boys still talk about. So I reckon I’ll be hangin’ out on the bunkhouse until then. Somebody pass the beans.

John Stith is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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