Thursday, October 24, 2024

The GPS Shopping List (seeks participants)

From the SW Minneapolis’ Community Newspaper : Fulton resident Pam Ludford is developing a new technology for cell phones equipped with a GPS (global positioning system) device. It’s called PlaceMail, and it’s a sort of wireless, location-sensitive, to-do list.

“GPS-enabled cell phones are now mostly a curiosity, Ludford said. However, such technological obscurities have a way of worming themselves into everyday life, which is why researchers are already working on applications.

Place Mail stores the latitude and longitude coordinates of the users’ favorite spots – Washburn Library, Bayer’s Hardware, Discount Video or the Wedge – into the cell phone’s memory. The user also programs in location-specific reminder notes.”

A pretty cool piece of thinking by Pam, who hereby solves my shortage of space around the computer. My walls are like one big post-it note at the moment, all of them are reminders of things to get, to return or to ask back. You know how it goes. With this device I can program to have an alarm when I’m with the dude who’s borrowed some dvd’s a few weeks ago, or I’ll be reminded to return my aunt’s embrella my nephew has forgotten in the car when I’m passing her house. This would make things so simple.

“When the user passes within a half-mile radius of a store on the to-do list, the cell phone beeps and delivers the customized text message or verbal reminder: Get Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,’ or Buy rope caulk’.”

See? It’s this easy. But wait, there’s more, and it’s nifty : You can network this thing.

I can be at home, sending my dad a reminder. When he passes the supermarket : bleep,bleep : buy this’. That’s just one thing. I could schedule a memo to pop-up when my sister’s entering the perimeter, the day something really big is planned. I can remotely wish her luck, when she’s approaching her work. While I’m asleep, for instance. Cool.
We should all pitch in and help Pam with this project, so we can enjoy this gadget in our daily lives. I’d like it a lot.

“For now, Ludford wants to publish a paper on her research and finish her Ph.D. in a year and a half.”

Those interested in participating should contact Ludford at: placemail[at] or call 363-8480.

I don’t know the area code. I’m from Europe. You’ll have to figure it out yourself. For now, this is Coolz0r, temporary blog-sitting the BNC blogs. I’ll be your host for the next 50 hours. Have a nice night.

SW Minneapolis’ Community Newspaper

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