Thursday, September 19, 2024

GoogleGuy Calls Out AdSense Spam Sites

There are a number of sites that have been developed for the express purpose of receiving ad clicks. These spam sites generate erroneous content (if they aren’t scraping it from another source) and place AdSense ads in order to trick visitors into clicking the ads so the spam site developer can benefit financially.

These sites are affectionately called AdSense Spam Sites, and they exist only for fraudulent click purposes. These spam sites only benefit the user brazen enough to employ them. Because these types of sites seem to be permeating throughout search engine results, they have become much more of a nuisance… and not just to searchers either.

GoogleGuy Calls Out AdSense Spam Sites GoogleGuy, a Google employ that contributes to a number of search-related forums was conducting a Q and A session on the WebmasterWorld forums when this particular topic was brought up. Much to no one’s surprise, GG indicated that he despised these types of sites, which probably means Google does too.

Because GG’s answers and responses usually provide a good barometer of Google’s position, it’s quite reasonable to assume Google is preparing to do something about these types of sites. What that is exactly is anyone’s guess, however.

Perhaps Google will employ their human editors to weed out these types of sites?

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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