Sunday, October 6, 2024

Keyword Writing: Internet Marketing That Works

Many clients of Sidhe Communications,, want to know how to increase web traffic.

I tell my clients they probably want to increase the number of qualified leads from their web site, not just increase site traffic. As a seasoned internet marketing specialist, I have a great idea that works for this. Cram as much keyword text as possible onto the company home page. Add so much text that the user must scroll down to see it all. Visit a few sites with an astonishing amount of text. You may correctly assume these types of sites benefit from high traffic.

How Search Engines Operate

Let’s think about this logically. The search engines are all text based. Chances are very good that search engines will remain text based, because this is how computers are designed. When I say text based I mean the majority of computers (and search engines) are not designed to read visual information such as photos, graphics, video, or audio material. Search engines are designed to scan for numerical and text information.

Since search engines are designed to read text, the more repetitively a keyword is found on a page of a web site, the higher the ranking for this site in the search engine when a user logs on to Google, Dogpile, Yahoo or any other search engine and initiates a search. It’s really that simple.

The Web Designer’s Role

Most web designers, like graphic designers, aspire to a visually appealing feel when they design web sites. Although they may add “metatags” to graphics (keywords for the respective industry are used to name files instead of a description of the graphic to name the file), designers have little impetus to upload more and more text to a home page or a web site, unless they are directed to do so by their client.

I want to emphasize it is not the web designer’s job to create text for a web page. It is the client’s job, or their professional writer’s job to create text. The majority of web designers are not trained professional writers. They are trained in graphic arts, fine arts, or web design. To effectively increase web site traffic, create the text and direct a web designer to upload as much keyword specific text as possible to your company or organization’s home page. If you or your organization do not all ready employ one, hire a professional writer who is well versed in keyword writing to create some snappy keyword repetitive content which will not annoy the reader, but entice them to read further.

Harvesting Keywords

The first question that most people may ponder is: how do I know which keywords are utilized in my industry? There are two effective approaches to solving this dilemma. First, there is the intuitive approach, which I am happy to step my clients through. For example, if I were a realtor who wanted to capture the senior relocation market for the Myrtle Beach area, I would brainstorm the obvious keywords a person would type in to find a realtor. They would be: realtor, relocation, Myrtle Beach, real estate, senior, home buying. These are just a few keywords the potential client would use. A good professional writer with knowledge about how to write keyword specific text would pepper the entire home page with these words.

The second way to obtain the top 10 keywords for a specific industry or organization would be to ask your web designer if he or she has a program which can harvest’ these words. Most adept designers do have a program that will show the top keywords users type in to reach the site. Once a company or organization obtains these keywords, put them in the hands of a professional writer, and direct the web designer to upload the text they develop. Keyword writing can work miracles for a company’s web presence.

Increase Keywords on Your Home Page for Maximum Profit

I am not exaggerating here. Keyword writing is the number one way to lure the right kind of web site traffic to a site. Most people believe that submitting a site to search engines is the most effective way to increase traffic. This may increase traffic, yet the site visitors are not always qualified buyers or potential users of a product or service. As one of my clients once put it: “My site attracts flies and pests — not qualified leads.” Any smart businessperson will agree: qualified leads are much preferred. Visit for more information on keyword writing and other successful internet marketing ideas.

Elizabeth Kirwin has published work in national magazines and newspapers. She is co-owner of Sidhe Communications in Asheville NC. She develops web sites, newsletters, brochures, and other marketing materials for companies and health care ogranizations nationally.For more information, e-mail

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