Friday, September 20, 2024

Blog Coaching – A Holistic Approach

JSLogan has a rant about Blog Coaching – The Next Big Rip Off In The Business Blogosphere…

He doesn’t pull any punches and writes passionately about his dislike for the increasing number of blog consultants that promise to revolutionize any and every business with a blog.

I don’t disparage anyone making a living (blog consultants), I just think you should be intellectually honest in your approach. Blogs are not for every person or every business. Not every business is suited for a blog, not every business will benefit, not every individual is geared to blog. That said, I like blogs – blogging has helped my business immensely. I just can’t stand the never ending hype and extolling of blogs as the new end of business. Blogs are a means, not an end. Blogs are an available tool of businessnothing more.’

LInk: Blog Coaching – The Next Big Rip Off In The Business Blogosphere?

This is the probably the most important paragraph in what he has to say and whilst I’d like to disagree with him and argue that a blog is the perfect solution for every business – I can not – because I agree with him.

Blogs are one solution for some businesses – they are definitely suitable for many businesses needs – however I try to encourage potential clients to really identify their current needs and goals before making any sort of recommendation. The fact is that some businesses would do better with a static page, a forum, a wiki or some other online tool. Others might be better off putting their money into some other communication tool (even, if I dare say it, if that is an offline one!).

I do believe that there is a place for blog consultants – however I believe that a more holistic approach might be a better service to offer. The most effective blog consultants will be those that have more than blogging in their tool belt – those that can pull out a variety of other options that are better suited for the needs of a client.

Of course JS goes on in his post to offer his services as a blog coach – I’ve only just become aware of his blog in more recent times so I can’t recommend him – but he does seem to be on the right track with this post – and might be worth sounding out if you want someone to help you work out if blogging is for your business.

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Darren Rowse is the founder of, a blog about the many ways of adding an income stream to blogs.

Darren owns and writes a variety of blogs including Digital Photography Blog and Camera Phone
. He is also a co-founder of the Breaking News Blog Collective.

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