Saturday, October 5, 2024

Blogging Is a Fad … I Don’t Think So

Steve Rubel linked to a report that shows that very few people are reading blogs. Ahh, is the blog hype over? No, now the “anti-blog-hype-backlash” is beginning.

Steve Rubel Post: Let the Blog Bashing Begin

Totally miss the point of the new-more-efficient-word-of-mouth network. Here’s how it works. I write something. My two readers find what I wrote interesting. They email it to 40 other people (one guy I know has more than 300 press people on his email list, so this number might be way low). If a good percentage of those 40 people find something interesting they pass it along to their network. And, so on, and so on. Sooner or later we’re talking about a lot more than two people.

Not to mention there are a lot of connectors who are searching for keywords at For instance, if you write the word Microsoft on your weblog your blog post that mentions that word will automatically come into a folder that I’m watching.

If your post is interesting enough (not guaranteed, of course) then I’ll put it on my link blog or I’ll link to it here. Then if my two readers find that interesting you’ll get to their networks as well, again.

Now, if I have more than two readers then the whole thing just gets amplified a little bit more.

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Robert Scoble is the founder of the Scobleizer blog. He works as’s Vice President of Media Development.

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