Friday, September 20, 2024 Blows Launch

“Houston, we have a problem.” A big problem. I’ve been anxiously awaiting the relaunch of the Food Pyramid.

It’s not your average new product launch. It is the first time the iconic dietary guide has been updated in 15 years. Obesity is a national problem here in the states. And, not to mention, I have two kids.

MypyramidresizedSo when the daily NRF SmartBrief pinged my Outlook this afternoon, I was glad to see this story:

“USDA announces MyPyramid guidance system. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns this morning unveiled the federal government’s new Food Guidance System, a replacement for the well-known Food Pyramid. A customizable eating plan including exercise recommendations is available at Versions of the plan aimed at children and speakers of Spanish are forthcoming, Johanns said.”

So what is the problem? The Web site is not working. I visited and and was met with the following image.

Mypyramid_1The link from the USDA’s press release also gives this error.

It goes without saying that if your new product introduction is promoting a Web site, the site should be working. Even more so in this case considering the Web site is promoted as an integral part of the announcement.

So for mammoth new product introductions, the Food Pyramid gets the Goofus and the new twenty dollar bill gets the Gallant.

This is even more ironic considering I initially gave the USDA a Gallant when I first learned of this much-needed refresh.

Kevin Dugan is the author of the popular Strategic Public Relations blog. Kevin is Director of Marketing Communications for FRCH Design Worldwide.

Visit Kevin’s blog: Strategic Public Relations.

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