Thursday, September 19, 2024

Newspaper Editor Starts a Behind-the-Scenes Blog

The front page of the business section of my hometown paper, The Contra Costa Times, bore this headline this morning…

Papers broaden margins, jump in the blogosphere” (free subscription required). Included in the article is a sidebar listing the blogs hosted by the Times itself, including one by editor Chris Lopez whose blog addresses “what goes on in the newsroom of the Times.”

That’s a lot like the John Moore’s blog at the Ventura County Star. The difference is that Moore is assistant managing editor for new media and technology; Lopez is editor in chief and vice president. So far, the blog hasn’t attracted a single comment, but Lopez is prolific; yesterday he posted three items. And while most of the posts are a bit on the dull side, I was heartened by this one:

“We used the wrong term in our lead headline this morning. We characterized the jury award in a priest abuse case as a “Settlement”. That’s the wrong word. A settlement implies a voluntary agreement. This was not a voluntary agreement. It was an award a jury made after listening to testimony.

My process is to discuss this with our headline writers and request a correction on the headline. I received one phone call on this today. I spotted the error when I picked up the newspaper at home this morning.

Typically our headlines are written far into the evening by our night desk after reading stories and after our design staff has indicated what the headline specifications are for a story.”

The Times also has a lifestyle blog, with political, sports, and music blogs in the works. The article points to other papers starting to blog, including the New York Times, the Dallas morning News, and the Spokane, Washington Spokesman-Review.

Shel Holtz is principal of Holtz Communication + Technology which focuses on helping organizations apply online communication capabilities to their strategic organizational communications.

As a professional communicator, Shel also writes the blog a shel of my former self.

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