Friday, September 20, 2024

Hot Banana Chosen as CMS for Parents Action For Children

Hot Banana Software Inc., a leading North American Web Content Management System (CMS) company, has announced that Parents’ Action For Children has become the latest Hot Banana Web Site to go live.

Parents’ Action for Children, formerly known as I Am Your Child Foundation, chose Beaconfire Consulting, an Arlington, VA builder of Web sites for nonprofits, to develop a new public Web presence.

The effort included a new Web Content Management System, improvements to the online store and the creation of an infrastructure to provide content, communication, fundraising and activist tools for a coalition of orga nizations uniting on issues that matter most to parents and young children.

In 1997, actor and film director Rob Reiner founded the I Am Your Child Foundation to focus attention on early childhood development and make it a national priority. Parents’ Action for Children needed a professional services partner to deliver the re-branded look of the organization, develop the complex infrastructure needed to deliver its services and provide a constituent relationship management platform for its coalition partners.

For its flagship Web site , Parents’ Action for Children chose Hot Banana, a cost-effective and easy-to-use Web CMS developed on a ColdFusion development platform.

They also selected GetActive Suite for advocacy, donation processing and member management. Kurant StoreSense’s software was chosen for online product sales, providing a powerful but straightforward online store for the organization’ s videos, CD-ROMs and booklets.

Beaconfire directed the creativ e development of the site, which included determining a creative strategy and identifying target audiences. San Francisco-based online marketing firm Donordigital executed the creative design.

Beaconfire then implemented the final design across the three major software elements: Hot Banana, GetActive, and StoreSense. The end result is that the three elements, while technically separate, provide a seamless experience for the user.

“We’re very pleased with the results of the Web redesign,” says Norman Rosenber, President and CEO, Parents’ Action for Children. “Hot Banana has proven to be an excellent Web Content Management System and has met all our needs as a not-for-profit organization. Ongoing in-house content maintenance is now simple and easy to manage.”

“The new site at has many integrated parts,” says Krista Lariviere, President, Hot Banana Software Inc.

“Hot Banana uses Macromedia ColdFusion which is easy to integrate with and allows different kinds of software to talk to each other. This has made the Web site a not-for-profit showcase demonstrating a unified set of online offerings and opportunities for this revitalized organization.

Additionally, ongoing maintenance costs will be reduced, as Hot Banana allows the Web site manager to have total control of the content and promotional activities, such as fundraising, advocacy and external communications. Web CMS technology is now able to have an enormous impact on the not-for-profit sector.”

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