Thursday, September 19, 2024

Newspapers Buy

Rich Skrenta reports that 75% of his has been sold to three newspaper groups. Topix has been a hot property for some time, and news of the deal whilst surprising, makes an awful lot of sense, particulary from the point of view of a very scared newspaper industry…

Topix Sold Sold To Three Different Entities
The papers involved are..

* Tribune Group
* Gannett
* and Knight-Ridder

In explaining the deal Skrenta said:

First, the basics: We’re taking a majority equity investment, and will remain both editorially and structurally independent from our new partners. I’ll continue being the CEO and will report to the board of directors, and our team will continue to develop

Why did we do this deal? Given our desire to grow, there was no better option we could imagine. Tribune, Gannett and Knight Ridder bring enormous assets to the table. Not just financial backing, but online audience, content assets, and deep advertiser data. Operating alone we’d be aggressively seeking deals to work with the various parts of T/K/G anyway.

and as John Battelle points out,

None of the new companies will have the ability to control the company, and this alone says volumes about how Web 2.0 is terrifying the newspaper industry. They can’t even buy their competition outright!

There’s plenty of coverage on this rather hot topic today, here are a few of the better reports:

* News: Topix Beds The Newspapers…
* Three Newspaper Publishers Acquire 75% of Topix net
* Newspaper Giants Buy Web News Monitor
* to be acquired by newspaper J-V

Congratulations and good luck Rich!


Related Murdok story:

Is The Topix Deal For $5 Million or $50 Million?

Nick Wilson is the publisher and founder of

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