Saturday, February 8, 2025

Listening to Learn


Blogging can be bad for you if you let your Technorati profile go to your head. But, it can also be good for you as well – if you really listen to what the feedback is telling you and apply what you learn.

Jeff Sandquist calls this “listening to learn.”

Right now, a few people are clearly saying my blego (short for blogging ego) is showing. I think they’re right. I am seeing the early signs of swelled head syndrome or “geeaintIimportantism.”

Iggy says of my interview with Chris Pirillo…

I don’t get what was so ground breaking and spectacular about what this person was saying. Straining to try and understand him didn’t help. But it sounded more like a this is me – aren’t I wonderful speech. More than how to get ahead in the marketing game 101.

Aussie PR blogger Trevor Cook commented on yesterday’s traffic post…

I find this trend to open-throated bragging in the name of transparency is pretty sad in one sense. I think it marks the trend away from blogging as somehow different to old media.

In both these cases, my intent was never to say “World, hear me now. I am great.” Still, maybe that is how it’s coming across.

Thankfully, the blogosphere helps me read the writing on the wall and I am seeing maybe it’s time to change my style a bit. I am not blogging to boost my ego, but rather to engage in conversation and evangelize social media.

Is it nice that my profile is growing? Sure. But if I still can’t learn by listening, then I am toast. So thanks all. I will take this all in.

Steve Rubel is a PR strategist with nearly 16 years of public relations, marketing, journalism and communications experience. He currently serves as a Senior Vice President with Edelman, the largest independent global PR firm.

He authors the Micro Persuasion weblog, which tracks how blogs and participatory journalism are changing the public relations practice.

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