Friday, September 20, 2024

Microsoft Offers Tantalizing Details About New Xbox

As with everything related to technology and gadgets, once word gets out about an upcoming device, the concerned public waiting on the smallest morsel of information reacts with a feeding frenzy-type of ferocity.

Such is the case with the most subjects related to the home video game industry. Whenever news about a video game property is mentioned, be it hardware or software, people react with great interest. With this in mind, you can imagine the reaction the general public will have as details about the upcoming Microsoft Xbox 2 (or 360 if you believe the rumors) are released.

Xbox fans, prepare to be excited: The next Xbox is scheduled to hit the shelves around the 2005 holiday season (only 8 more months!!), and already Microsoft representatives are already discussing what to expect from them.

An article in Reuters reveals some of the ideas driving the upcoming release:

“[The design] will include an emphasis on high-definition content, an integrated media browser and “microtransactions” for in-game purchases

Among the features Allard demonstrated was an on-screen “Gamer Card” that gives information other players can see on a gamer’s location, achievements in various games, time playing specific games and level of skill.

Other features include a custom music player and a “store” where players could pay pennies to purchase new characters, parts for virtual racing cars and the like.

Worry not because before you know it, the holiday season will soon be on us and new Xbox’s may still be available.

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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