Thursday, September 19, 2024

AOL Teams with Sonus For Internet Phone Service

AOL has selected VOIP infrastructure solutions provider Sonus as a key provider for its new Internet phone service.

By deploying Sonus’ technology, America Online will be able to provide a suite of advanced communications features designed to put AOL members in control of their telephone service and online communications.

“We’re excited to be working with America Online, a pioneer in the evolution of the Internet, and a company that has changed the paradigm for access to information and communication services. AOL’s commitment to rolling out a Sonus-powered consumer voice over broadband solution is an important step in continuing the legacy of innovation that is synonymous with both of our companies,” said Hassan Ahmed, chairman and CEO, Sonus Networks.

“Sonus has collaborated closely with AOL to enable us to use VoIP as a platform to fulfill our commitment to consumers to offer the best tools to communicate and express themselves,” said John McKinley, President of AOL Digital Services and Chief Technology Officer of America Online, Inc. “We can now apply our technology to change the very nature of voice calls, making them a pathway not just for conversations, but for a wide range of interactive applications.”

As an industry leader in VoIP Solutions, Sonus’ technology is deployed in some of the largest and most complex carrier networks around the globe. Sonus recently introduced its latest software that enables Internet Service Providers (ISPs), like America Online, to deliver advanced integrated telephony features in a web environment that significantly enhances the overall customer experience, such as SMS (simple message service) integration, click to dial and voice to email applications.

This new software release extends the voice market beyond traditional telecommunication service providers and begins to fully leverage the benefits of an all IP network. By the end of 2004, estimates that worldwide there were over 150 million broadband subscribers and that number is expected to more than double by 2009. Sonus’ solution enables ISPs to extend their offerings to this growing segment of the market and improve their customer lifetime with comprehensive services.

America Online will deploy Sonus’ GSX9000 Open Services Switch, the Insignus Softswitch and the Sonus Insight Management System in its consumer VoIP offering.

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