Friday, September 20, 2024

White House Credentials First Blogger

Michelle Malkin: Garrett Graff – contributing editor for Washington media blog FishBowlDC – will make history as …

“the first known blogger to be admitted to the White House press corps”.

Michelle Malkin post
FishBowlDC post

Here’s the announcement.

UPDATE: The New York Times has more, including comments from White House press secretary Scott McClellan.

New York Times:

Another signal moment for bloggers is to occur this morning, when Garrett M. Graff, who writes a blog about the news media in Washington, is to be ushered into the White House briefing room to attend the daily press “gaggle.”

Mr. Graff, 23, may be the first blogger in the short history of the medium to be granted a daily White House pass for the specific purpose of writing a blog, or Web log. A White House spokesman said yesterday that he believed Mr. Graff was the first blogger to be given credentials.

…Scott McClellan, the White House press secretary, said he had met with the White House Correspondents Association and they had decided to let Mr. Graff in. “It is the press corps’ briefing room and if there are any new lines to be drawn, it should be done by their association,” he said.

Mr. Graff said he was surprised at the help he received from “real” reporters covering the White House, given what he described as the animosity between some bloggers and the mainstream news media.

Steve Rubel is a PR strategist with nearly 16 years of public relations, marketing, journalism and communications experience. He currently serves as a Senior Vice President with Edelman, the largest independent global PR firm.

He authors the Micro Persuasion weblog, which tracks how blogs and participatory journalism are changing the public relations practice.

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