Friday, September 20, 2024

MSN Search Team Taking Flak over SES Party

The MSN Search Team are taking a bit of a kickin’ in the comments on their blog entry about their SES NYC party.

To be fair, it looks like those doing the kicking weren’t invited 🙂

A 400 person party for a conference that 1500 folks paid good money for is a bogus idea.

As an exhibitor for the event, I was a bit disappointed when we were turned away at the door for not having the invite (we were exhibiting and HAD our passes).

Perhaps you can take a note from Yahoo’s excellent staff and throw a more inclusive party in the future with all that extra money laying around.

Your party was incredible bad. Not letting speakers in or letting highly respected people of the industry wait 45 minutes is definetly _not_ the way to go.

Yahoo did a fabulous party – again!

The best part is that the place wasn’t even NEAR being full as you were turning people away from the door. Once we finally did get in, I have to see, seeing a half empty bar made the “turndowns” at the door seem all the more insulting.

And, I gotta agree. At least one of the engines there welcomed all the conferences attendees with open arms. The rest of you could take a lesson from Yahoo.

Notice that Yahoo continue to enjoy good webmaster/marketer relations right now, it can’t last forever, but they really are riding a wave of good will at the moment.

From the look of the photo, i’d say it looked like fun, but then then i’d be pretty pissed if i was turned away too…

Link: SES NYC Party

Nick Wilson is the publisher and founder of

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