Sunday, October 6, 2024

Is Google AutoLink Really Evil?

Google released their new tool bar this week that has raised the ire of savvy Web surfers and bloggers. The toolbar includes a feature that adds links to various words and phrases.

Jim over at the SEO Blog writes, “Has the Great Google Lost its Cool? Have they Become Evil?”.

Is his language a little over the top? Possibly, but he is expressing a growing sentiment against the Google AutoLink feature with bloggers which as we saw with the Dan Rather episode can be very influential.

It also comes at a time that Google is riding a wave of positive financial press. It will be interesting to see if Google buckles under the pressure.

Dave Winer explains in a detailed narative why he thinks AutoLink “is against the nature of the Web”

Many others seem to agree with Jim and Dave …

Jim Zellmer states, “Google, a company with a philosophy that includes: #6: “You can make money without doing evil”. is now, doing just that.”

Over at the Kas Log, Karsten Schneider posts:

“Normally I have only praise for all things Google, but the new toolbar browser plug-in is evil. Gary Price reports that it inserts links into web pages that point to sponsored content. In other words, the links on the page you are looking at have nothing to do with what the original author intended to communicate.

Steve Rubel reminds us that Microsoft has tried this before, but the public outcry killed the feature before it ever made it’s way into a final product release.”

Karsten concludes with …

“Come on Google guys, I know you are a public company now and have to make Wall Street happy, but that doesn’t mean you have to go over to the dark side. Your motto is supposed to be: “Do no evil.” This is evil. I have no problem with aggregators. Links to commercial content is fine if it is relevant. But altering content is a no starter. I hope this feature is DOA, and joins Microsoft’s Smart Tags in cyberspace heaven, or wherever deleted programs go.”

Here are a few more sharp comments …

“To Google – if you are listening – I love your company and products, you are doing a lot of good stuff. But this feature has to be removed. This will be the impetus to really stop using your products if you do not.”

John Robb’s blog sums it up well:

“Google’s Strategic Mistake

I don’t think that Google clearly thought through its decision to move to Web page modification. If they succeed in nullifying the opposition to this, they will open the floodgates to Microsoft to rerelease its version of the concept.

Through modification of the browser, Microsoft could put this on 1,000 times the desktops Google could with its toolbar. Opposition to the concept is the only thing that is stopping Microsoft from doing it today.

It gets worse. The basis of this modification is search-based services. If Microsoft is able to put a basket of search-based services into every Web page most people view with a browser, Google could be in real trouble. It could quickly turn Google into Netscape, and I am sure Bill Gates knows this.

This is a bet the company decision.”

“Sounds to me like Google is getting a little too big for their britches. Won’t be long now before someone comes along and sets Google straight. Pretty funny really. I guess it is ok to do “no evil” when it comes to web surfers, but if you are a publisher it is okay to get screwed. Nice work G and good luck.”

Very blunt and very angry comments. This is the kind of talk that made Microsoft enemy number one with many in the Geek crowd. I believe Google will rethink this feature because it is dangerous for their future.

Google … the computer and internet Geeks are turning on you. These early adopters are the people who made you the huge success you are today. Ignore them at your peril… in my opinion.

murdok is the CEO of Murdok, Inc. which publishes over 200 websites and email newsletters.

Rich also publishes his blog WebProBlog which focuses on internet business and marketing trends.

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