Thursday, September 19, 2024

Culling Feeds – OR – Killing a few Friends

Im aware that this is a strange analogy, I really do think of RSS feeds as friends in many ways though …

  • Some friends are influential
  • Some friends are connectors
  • Some are habbits
  • Some friends are enemies
  • and some friends, need to GO
  • My RSS subscriptions, unlike my real real life friends, have grown to unmanagable proportions though, and it’s time to cut a few out of the loop.

    How do you cut out the crud from RSS?

    Actually, though when i started out on this mercenary expedition the situation looked dire, it was rather easy. I used the following attributes to create a death list for my RSS buddies:

  • Bad titles
  • Always behind the news
  • Good posts too few and far between
  • On that basis, sites who favor titles like “Oh, look at this!” are out. Sites that constantly play catch up, are out, and one hit wonders, are out.

    It was the bad titles that took the greatest damage – When you read a lot of RSS titles each day, not having to guess what you may find if you click the link is a big plus – in my book, an essential. I simply dont have the time to click on a “mystery meat” title heh..

    I’ve gone from 400+ to around 300(ish)

    I’d like to be around the 200 mark again, but the above criteria has so many caveats that some crud remains in the list – if anyone can think of a better way, i’d love to hear it…

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