Friday, September 20, 2024

Hitchiker’s Guide to the Blog Universe

On Thursday of this week, I’ll be one of four panelists speaking at a lunchtime meeting …

… the San Francisco Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) on the topic of blogging and PR:

Our expert panel will tackle the burning issue of how PR practitioners can effectively leverage the emerging blog landscape, while avoiding the danger zones of a new medium that is dynamically altering the world of public communication. Panelists will cover all the angles from the media, employee, corporate and legal sides of the debate, covering critical topics such as:

How do you respond to rumors posted on blogs?

If an employee is a blogger, what are his responsibilities and what are the dangers to his employer?

What are the rules for journalists keeping blogs?

Do they have to fact check everything they post?

How are corporations reacting to the blogosphere?

Also on the panel are Michael Bazeley from the Mercury News and SiliconBeat, Mike Manual of Media Guerilla and Voce Communications (blog), and Todd Friedman from The Blueshirt Group.

Full details are on the site. Drop me a comment or email if you’re a regular reader and planning to attend.

Jeremy Zawodny is the author of the popular Jeremy Zawodny’s blog. Jeremy is part of the Yahoo search team and frequently posts in the Yahoo! Search blog as well.

Visit Jeremy’s blog: Jeremy Zawodny’s blog.

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