Saturday, October 5, 2024

The first Anniversary of the Super Bowl Wardrobe Malfunction That Shook the World

It has been a year since Janet Jackson revealed one of her breasts on live TV during the Super Bowl half time show … and which subsequently caused the World to go nuts.

It’s amazing that we are still talking about it. It was only a breast for God’s sake! Every baby sucks on one.

Here are some clips from current discussion of the Janet Jackson Super Bowl breast incident that shook the World …

Courier Online: “I watched the whole boring Super Bowl halftime show last year and still managed to miss Janet Jackson flashing her breast.”

LA Times: “‘Wardrobe malfunction’ fallout spurs an effort to strike a better balance between tawdry, tame.” Forget what you may have heard. Fox officials swear that Sunday’s Super Bowl XXXIX won’t be watered down just to atone for Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction” last year.

“It’s going to be truly entertaining, and anyone who says it’s going to be boring doesn’t know what they are talking about,” said Fox Sports Chairman David Hill. At halftime, “Paul McCartney is going to do an enthralling show that is going to knock the world’s socks off. It will not be watered down at all.””

Monterey “Thanks to last year’s halftime fiasco featuring Janet Jackson’s “unintentionally” exposed breast, the NFL put the word out to producers and advertisers for Sunday’s big game to tone it down. …”You can break through and scream without having to expose yourself,” said Joe Sciarrotta, executive creative director for advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather in Chicago. For proof, Sciarrotta points to Apple Macintosh’s “1984” Orwellian ad that ran only once nationally on the Super Bowl, and made such an impression in 1984 and beyond that it’s often held up today as the gold standard in advertising. “It didn’t show nudity. A good idea will always break through.””

The Conservative Voice: “”Parents witnessed first-hand the incessant crotch grabbing and revealing clothing, the dangerous mixture of aggression and sexuality, and the relentless sexual simulation and stimulation that characterizes MTV’s programming,” Bozell says. All that, he asserts, is par for the course on the youth-oriented cable network.” “He [brother Michael Jackson} also defended his sister Janet’s “wardrobe malfunction” at last year’s Super Bowl.

“Actually, I was looking right at it and I didn’t see it … (I told her to) be strong. This too shall pass. Don’t worry about it. I’ve seen worse things.””

alpha_lycan: “I was watching Just for laughs, and Lewis Black was talking about The super Bowl last year, when Janet Jackson had that “wardrobe Malfunction” ya know, when her Boob poped out :).

The massive outrage from the public, parents, tv, news, etc. The total moral outrage and “let’s think of the children” and all that. The fact that it was only on the screen for about 2 seconds. Not even long enough for the mind to take into effect that there was nipple on the telle.

Yet the next day.. what did we see in the news, the news paper, and all that?


The damn thing was everywhere. Everywhere you turned there were Pictures of her bear breast. They slowed it down on the news, inchanced the image in the papers, zoomed in and had it everywhere. And all the parents.

“Oh, we can’t allow our kids to see such smut on the television”. yeah? well you don’t seem to have any problems showing it all over the news.

Makes ya think?”

Super Bowl Blog #3: “Scott and I had a lengthy conversation about Boobiegate after last year’s Super Bowl Titty Extravaganza.

Up until today, I was under the impression that Miss Janet’s nipple was in fact fully covered by a sunshine pasty, and that no nipple was actually shown. With that in mind, I made the argument: No Nipple = No Boob. I even sang the song “No Woman, No Cry” replacing the aforementioned words with “No Nipple, No Boob”. I was a believer. I should have done more research.

Clearly, CLEARLY, Janet’s nipple was fully exposed. I am offended and scandalized. How could America let me down like that? Just kidding. I don’t care, I just think it is kind of funny is all. Her boob looks kind of sad like “hey, damn girl, put me back!” And to quote one of my favourite comedians, Chris Rock, “You can’t just whip out a 40-year-old titty!”.”

murdok is the CEO of murdok which publishes over 200 websites and email newsletters.

Rich also publishes his blog WebProBlog which focuses on internet business and marketing trends.

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