Saturday, October 5, 2024

How To Use Your Website To Shorten Your Sales Cycle

Is your website languishing as little more than a web brochure? As a professional service business, the problem with a web brochure is it’s often loaded with features and ignores persuasive results.

A web brochure uses a lot of I’ statements, as in, I help people ‘, instead of speaking to the heart of your visitor’s problem. It may use long paragraphs, yet neglect to ask-or answer-the questions your website visitor has first and foremost on their mind. The bottom line is, a web brochure does little, if anything, to shorten your sales cycle!

The secret to rich rewards-more profits, greater free time-is the potency of your marketing brand. Your website has to evoke emotion, build a sense of connection with your site visitor, and brand you as remarkable. A client capturing website grabs your prospective client’s attention, tugs on their heart, and inspires them to feel their problem can be solved – by you!

How Can A Website Shorten Your Sales Cycle?

Why let your website languish, never fulfilling it’s promise, making you work harder to bring in new business when you don’t have to? A client capturing website will shorten your sales cycle these five specific ways:

#1 Clients pre-qualify themselves

Instead of being bogged down with looky-lou’s,’ the calls and emails you receive are from prospective clients who have already started on the path of hiring you. Why? Because their key questions have been answered. They believe you understand their situation, and they are looking to you as the solution. The results for you? Your time is spent on clients who are a match for your service.

#2 Weeding out the wrong type of clients

If your website sends a clear message of exactly who you work best with and what problems you solve, it will automatically weed out the wrong type of clients. Worried about missing new opportunities? Don’t be! The wrong types of clients never become the right type. The difference is, with a client capturing website, you’re saved hours of time and effort figuring out–one person at a time-if you’re a match. The results for you? Increased focus and energy you can spend on the clients you love working with.

#3 Evoking emotion

A ho-hum website generates few calls or contacts. What a waste! >From your opening headline, to your tagline and final call to action, a client capturing website must create a strong, lasting, powerful impression with a unique message. The sensations, thoughts, and feelings you want to inspire are woven throughout every page of your website. Even your choice of colors, design, and images enrich the emotions you want your visitor to experience. The results for you? Your prospective clients instantly feel a sense of connection and begin to feel comfortable with you. Remember, people buy on emotions, not facts, and they buy from people they like.

#4 Getting your visitor to act

That is the point, isn’t it? To motivate your website visitor to take action! Whether it’s to pick up the phone to call you, send an email, sign up for your ezine, or download your special free report, your website must stir your visitor into actionnow! The results for you? You spend less time marketing, and more time delivering your service.

#5 Gaining permission for you to follow up and contact them again

It’s no secret that your database is your goldmine. But people are smarter, savvier than they’ve ever been. You have to gain their confidence in two ways. The first is that you won’t abuse the privilege of having their name and email address. Next is that you have something valuable to offer in exchange for those two priceless pieces of information. Once you have their trust, you must continue to earn it with each contact you make. My best advice? Make certain every email or phone call includes a valuable tip, resource, or helps your prospective client learn something new. The results for you? You build outstanding brand loyalty. A business built on loyal clients is a business rich in value!

It’s time to raise the bar and expect more from your website. Create a client capturing website and you have a marketing brand ambassador’ working for you twenty-four hours a day.

Love what you do but wish marketing would just go away? Kendall
SummerHawk, creator of Website Wisdom, the Marketing Makeover
Kit, and HorseWise Brilliance Unbridled coaching program,
specializes in creating fresh, innovative, client capturing
programs for your business. Visit for
more articles and free Weekly Marketing Wisdom.

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