Friday, September 20, 2024

The Blogging Community Look Like Idiots

This International Bloggers’ Bill of Rights makes the blogging community look like idiots.

Is there I list I can put my name on to oppose this sort of FUD?

Maybe it’s the fact that I watched a George Carlin video the other day, or that Murphy decided to shit on me. But this just annoys the crap out of me and forces me to use terms like “crap” and “shit” describing it.


On a bright note, I got an excuse to use the rel=”nofollow” attribute on a link for the first time. No juice for you! 🙂

Reader Comments:

Dave Winer wrote this:
Jeremy, there is no “the” blogging community.

Rob… wrote this:
That “International Bloggers’ Bill of Rights” is bloody stupid. It shows a distinct inability to understand most companies’ have policies that actually apply to the employee, not the medium.

Michael Heilemann wrote this:
Well at least they didn’t make fools out of themselves… Oh wait.

Nick W wrote this:
Monkeys, all of ’em

This is what happens when blogs break out of geek and into public – no bad thing in that but you’ve gotta expect a little lunacy to follow – i posted in the comments there a couple of weeks ago and told them all they looked very silly, they ignored me heh..

This whole thing about bloggers thinking that somehow they’re exempt from the normal laws and nicities that the rest of society live by is quite beyond me. It goes much further than this bit of spotty teenage nonsense now, apparently your a journalist now if you can open an account at typepad… ha!


justin wrote this:
i want an international bill of rights for people who write with a pencil.

Sascha Carlin wrote this:
The signers look to me like more online journal writers than bloggers, if we can make this distinction 😉

Jeremy Zawodny is the author of the popular Jeremy Zawodny’s blog. Jeremy is part of the Yahoo search team and frequently posts in the Yahoo! Search blog as well.

Visit Jeremy’s blog: Jeremy Zawodny’s blog.

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