Friday, September 20, 2024

Firefox Spike Re-igniting Browser Wars

The Yahoo! search blog made a post about the sudden rise of Firefox. The possibility of a new browser war is interesting, but …

What I find intriguing is the fact that Yahoo is talking about this in their blog. Does Yahoo have something up their sleeve with Firefox? Probably not … but making Firefox part of Yahoo would certainly go along way in helping Yahoo win the search war against Google and others. It would also prevent Google from purchasing Firefox.

Don’t forget … Microsoft via MSN Search is the only major search player of the big 4 to own a web browser … seriously complimenting their search traffic strategy.

Here is part of the Yahoo Search blog post by Erik Gunther, Yahoo! Buzz Index Editor:

“When I first started working at Yahoo! seven years ago, Netscape was the browser. The tools we used weren’t even developed to work with IE. Ah, 1998. Netscape was just beginning to see the bloom wither, and as the years passed most users (and fellow employees) migrated over to IE. Begrudgingly, I joined the crowd and gave up on Netscape’s browser a couple years back after crashes and much gnashing of teeth.

But wait! There’s a player on the scene that started attracting buzz in the hardcore webhead community in early 2004. Interest in the Mozilla-developed Firefox has spread to the point where the browser consistently ranks in our top 500 searches.

Top Firefox searches over the past week

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Firefox Browser
  • Firefox Download
  • Firefox Themes
  • Firefox Extensions
  • Re-ignited browser wars? Stay tuned…”

    murdok is the CEO of Murdok, Inc. which publishes over 200 websites and email newsletters.

    Rich also publishes his blog WebProBlog which focuses on internet business and marketing trends.

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