Thursday, September 19, 2024

Apple Getting A Bit Saucy

Apple, over the years, has enjoyed better press than probably any other company on the planet. Well, that hasn’t stopped Apple from going on the attack when it feels stung.

As reported by on Wednesday, Apple filed a lawsuit against, for publishing details of a new product before they had a chance to announce it. wonders if Apple is biting the hand that feeds it:

“Make no mistake, there’s a good chance that the source of ThinkSecret’s story about plans for a $500 Mac and new business software did break whatever legal agreement not to divulge the information that they had agreed to with Apple. And, one must assume it is at least partly true, or Apple wouldn’t bother suing.

But, this sort of stuff happens all the time in the tech industry. Sources leak details of forthcoming products to reporters whose motivation is to get credit for an exclusive story.

Here’s the difference with Apple: most of its secret product news is not published first by national, mainstream media, but by Apple advocates. These people are customers, fans and Apple-lovers.”

Here’s how Think Secret started their exclusive story:

EXCLUSIVE: Apple to drop sub-$500 Mac bomb at Expo

December 28, 2004 – With iPod-savvy Windows users clearly in its sights, Apple is expected to announce a bare bones, G4-based iMac without a display at Macworld Expo on January 11 that will retail for $499, highly reliable sources have confirmed to Think Secret.”

Publisher and Editor in Chief of Think Secret Nick dePlume told Reuters in an email that he was confident it was within its rights to publish the material.

“We’re confident that Think Secret’s reporting is consistent with the right and privileges granted by the First Amendment,” dePlume wrote. “The complaint is being reviewed, and Think Secret defers further comment until it has been analyzed.”

The question is … will the press and Apple fans begin to turn on Apple as Apple asserts control over how it is covered?

murdok is the CEO of murdok which publishes over 200 websites and email newsletters.

Rich also publishes his blog WebProBlog which focuses on internet business and marketing trends.

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