Thursday, September 19, 2024

Snide Remarks About Microsoft Anti-Spyware Foray

Microsoft’s recent entry into the anti-spyware business has sparked a number of interesting (and often sarcastic) responses by the media, competitors and others.

Here are some of the comments:

“Ultimately, the irony would run thick if Microsoft does manage to make a splash in the antivirus space. Not only is its operating system more susceptible to virtual misdeeds than Apple’s, but now it finds ways to profit from those deficiencies. Ouch. That inoculation needle hurts!”

“I recently had a laugh at Bill Gate,s expense as I read an article outlining Bill,s response to discovering spyware on his personal PCs. He said they slowed his PCs down a bit but it wasn,t too bad. In light of Microsoft,s recent acquisition of an anti-spyware software company, one might speculate his spyware problems were worse than he originally thought.”

“There is a lot of irony in this weekend article at It seams that within the next 30 days Microsoft will be offering it’s own spyware removal tool. *insert joke about the program uninstalling windows here*”

“”Microsoft’s rock really is coming into this pond,” said John Pescatore, the vice president of Gartner’s security research group. “What this will do in the long term is drive down the pricing of anti-spyware software in the enterprise.”

“”Fighting spyware is something Microsoft needs to do,” said Symantec’s Mr. Moynahan. “Their core franchise is at risk.””

“Spyware is a serious problem? Customers want protection? Gee, Microsoft, ya think? Well, it’s taken a lot of moaning and groaning, but at least the spyware problem is finally on Redmond’s to-do list.”

“The moves suggest that Microsoft may end up promoting its antivirus software through the same channels as it uses to deliver the fixes for its own bugs that allow many of the viruses to propagate in the first place.”

I think it’s about time. Its taken a long time for Microsoft to acknowledge that what’s been happening to PCs in terms of Trojans and spyware is a result of mechanisms built into Internet Explorer” designed to add functionality”

“Microsoft has jumped into the anti-spyware market, but is this a new approach to thwarting bugs, or is it gearing up to profit from a dubious industry it helped create?”

“With Microsoft’s well-established reputation for moving cautiously and methodically into new markets, yesterday’s announcements could be the first of many to come, she said. “Microsoft is doing what it has always done, biting off someone else’s market a piece at a time,” she said. “They’re remarkably consistent in that behavior.””

“The disdain and contempt that enterprise customers have for the security lapses means it is likely they will not be rabid adopters of a Microsoft anti-virus product…”

murdok is the CEO of murdok which publishes over 200 websites and email newsletters.

Rich also publishes his blog WebProBlog which focuses on internet business and marketing trends.

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