Thursday, September 19, 2024

Developing Your Site for Performance : Client-Side Code Optimization

Let’s begin by taking a look at client-side code optimization — the easiest and generally cheapest to implement of the three site acceleration techniques.

Code for Yourself, Compile for Delivery

Any application programmer knows that there are good reasons why the code one works with is not the code one should deliver. It is best to comment source code extensively, to format it for maximum readability, and to avoid overly terse, but convoluted syntax that makes maintenance difficult. Later, one translates that source code using a compiler into some other form that is optimized for performance and protected from reverse engineering. This model can be applied to Web development as well. To do so, you would take the “source” version of your site and prepare it for delivery by “crunching” it down through simple techniques like white space reduction, image and script optimization, and file renaming. You would then take your delivery-ready site and post it.

Now hopefully this isn’t too foreign a concept, since you are likely already at least working on a copy of your site, rather than posting changes directly to the live site. If not, please stop reading right now and make a copy of your site, as this is the only proper way to develop, regardless of whether the site is a static brochure or a complex, CMS-driven application. If you don’t believe us now, you surely will some day in the very near future if you ruin some of your site files and can’t easily recover them.

As you build your site, you are probably focusing on the biggest culprits in site download speed reduction – images and binary files like Flash. While reducing the colors in GIF files, compressing JPEGs, and optimizing SWF files will certainly help a great deal, there are still plenty of other areas for improvement. Remembering the first rule of Web performance, we should always strive to send as few bytes as possible, regardless of whether the file is markup, image, or script. Now it might seem like wasted effort to focus on shaving bytes here and there in (X)HTML, CSS or JavaScript, however, this may be precisely where the greatest attention ought to be paid.

During a typical Web page fetch, an (X)HTML document is the first to be delivered to a browser. We can dub this the host document since it determines the relationships to all other files. Once received, the browser begins to parse the markup, and in doing so, often initiates a number of requests for dependent objects such as external scripts, linked style sheets, images, embedded Flash, and so on. These CSS and JavaScript files may, in turn, host additional calls for related image or script files. The faster these requests for dependent files get queued up, the faster they will get back to the browser and start rendering in the page. Given the importance of the host document, it would seem critical to get it delivered to the browser and parsed as quickly as possible since, despite constituting a relatively small percentage of the overall page weight, it can dramatically impede the loading of the page. Remember: users doesn’t measure bytes, they measure time!

So what specifically do you need to do to fully prep your site for optimal delivery? The basic approach involves reducing white space, crunching CSS and JavaScript, renaming files, and similar strategies for making the delivered code as terse as possible (See Google for an example). These general techniques are well known and documented on the Web and in books like Andy King’s Speed up Your Site: Website Optimization. In this article we present what we consider to be the top twenty markup and code optimization techniques. You can certainly perform some of these optimizations by hand, find some Web editors and utilities that perform a few of the features for you, or roll your own crunching utilities. We do also point you to a tool developed at Port80 Software, called the w3compiler. This tool is the only one on the market today that provides a reference implementation for nearly all the optimizing features described here and that serves as a legitimate example of the “real world” value of code optimization.

To be continued…

*Originally published at

Thomas Powell is founder of PINT, Inc. and a lecturer in the Computer Science
department at University of California San Diego. His articles have appeared in
serveral magazines and sites, including Network World, Internet Week
and ZDNet. He has also published numerous books on Web technology and design,
including the best-selling Web Design: The Complete Reference. Visit

Joe Lima is the Director of Product Development for Port80 Software. He has
worked for a variety of Internet, wireless and software development companies,
specializing in research and development for server-centric technologies. Visit

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