Sunday, October 6, 2024

Free (well, almost) Advertising and Lead Generation

It occurred to me today, while driving along a road that I travel quite regularly that a lot of home business people are missing out on great low cost and almost free advertising. Why did I come to this realization while driving down that road that I’ve driven down time and time again? Because I read the same sign that I read each and every time I drive that road – “Ron Bus Equipment Rentals Open Mon-Sat”.

There is a multitude of inexpensive ways to advertise and generate leads for your business! Id you’re not taking advantage of this stuff – your competitor probably is! Don’t spend ALL your money on purchasing leads and taking ads out in papers. These are definitely viable and productive means to generate business. However, they are not the only way to do so.

Post inexpensive signs along the roadside. Attach these to lamp posts or staple them to a stake and stick them in the ground. The best places to do so are at intersections – anywhere where traffic has to stop or at the very least, slow down. If you’d like to get fancy, you can purchase some treated foam poster board from your local office supply store and some vinyl lettering. These are weather resistant, inexpensive and will last for some time.

Put a raffle box at your local convenience store. Cover a tissue box with wrapping paper. Print out a short blurb about your business along with a description of what you’re raffling. Cut it out and tape it to the front of the tissue box. Print out numerous entries for people to complete (name, telephone, email address). Finally, tie a piece of string to a pencil and tape the string to the bottom of the tissue box. Pop in daily to extract your leads and draw one of the names at the end of the month!

If you’re hosting a garage/lawn sale, include your brochures at the table where people will pay you for their purchases.

For Halloween, make up goodie bags and insert a business card into each goodie bag. The parents will get the card when they check the kids’ treats!

Flyers – For the most effective and least expensive flyers, get yourself a Sharpie marker and on a white piece of paper, tell people in two sentences or less why they should contact you. Note your name, telephone number and website address at the bottom. Go to your local office supply store and purchase some eye catching neon paper (you can usually find this on the clearance rack) and make photocopies of your flyers. Hand deliver them throughout your neighborhood.

Offer a discount or special gift to your current customers/clients for referring others to you.

If recruiting is part of your business, the next time you’re at your local mall (or any store you frequent, for that matter), ask to speak with the manager. Let he or she know that you’re looking for some people that would like to make X amount of dollars, working part time and you would like the names of five of his or her best sales people that stop in. You may get a bonus and have the manager ask about your opportunity, as well!

If you work outside the home as well, take samples to your workplace for your co-workers to try. Tell them what you’re doing and how much money you’re making. Ask them if they know someone who’d be interested in doing the same and if they’d know someone who would enjoy your products. Don’t ask them to sign up – ask for a referral. That way, they don’t feel like they’re being put on the spot. And you may get two for the price of one!

Send samples to your childrens’ teachers, day car workers, babysitters, etc as a thank you gift. Make sure to enclose your business card!

Email signatures. These can be easily set up! Attach your signature to the end of each email, including your name, website address, and a tag line.

Stamps. You can purchase customizable stamps at your local office supply store. Use it on all of your outgoing mail: Name, address, website address, tag line.

Include a business card with all of your bill payments (if you’re not doing them all online). You never know if that person who’s opening the mail, is sick and tired of that job and is looking for something else!

Well, that should get you started and keep you busy for a little while. I’ll be sure to post more of these tips as time goes on. So, keep your eyes peeled!

The author, Dawn Roberts, is the creator of – your complete home business resource. IFHB will help you from the planning stage, straight through to marketing your ideas for home businesses! Learn how you can start, maintain and propel a phenomenally successful home based business!

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