EZ2 Companies has launched its EZ2Ask.com website, a premium web search and advertising portal.
CEO Otto Bethlen stated, “Other search engines are nothing more than giant catalogues of web pages, not offering the customers ease of use, or information that is specific to the search request. Our search algorithms pare down users’ requests to glean the right data from the Internet by examining the results from several search engines, and cueing the results to reflect the consumer needs. We are confident that any consumer performing a search with our portal and comparing the results with our competitors will find that Internet queries are EZ2Ask.”
The site technology integrates all EZ portals to allow information given by users at one site to provide special site benefits at all other EZ sites. The Company’s developers have created enterprise, secure, scalable applications that allow interface with various data sources to create rich, useful Internet experiences for its users, deploying open source tools and software to enrich one to one marketing to customers.
“So much of your relationship with your users is defined by functionality and by reliability,” added Bethlen, “and we are confident that our applications will shine under increasing load demands as our site traffic continues to increase.”
The site is a portal for customers, offering an easy to use interface that makes consumer search results more closely mirror the actual question and relevant answers than our competitors. Our algorithms were conceived by several mathematicians, focused on relevant results rather than impressive numbers. A search on EZ2Ask.com might yield 200 answers vs. thousands from our competitors, which we believe is better for the consumer, especially if those answers really address the consumer’s question better.
“Our developers come from enterprise backgrounds, having developed many secure applications for commerce, and we are encouraged by the growth in site traffic over the past few months across our sites.” Bethlen concluded, “We are excited at the prospects of implementing our marketing and sales strategies, including television, radio and outdoor media to prepare the market for EZ offerings.”
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