Friday, October 18, 2024

How To REALLY Get Obscene Levels of Traffic To Your Site Overnight

Every online marketer dreams of having a top 10 website on Google and Yahoo. Unfortunately most have come to realize that no matter how many e-books, videos, or seminars you attend traffic will still allude you.

Today you will learn the real secrets to getting traffic.

Of all the thousands of books, e-books, videos, and teleseminars that claim to teach the secrets of getting more traffic there are only three guaranteed strategies to get people to show up to your site.

All the books and software allude to these three strategies but often fail to explore these methods completely.

I call this my “Beg, Borrow, and Buy” strategy of traffic building.

1) Begging means to intelligently ask the search engines to send you traffic.

This is a long haul strategy. It could easily take six months to a year (or longer) to get good placement-unless you are prepared to spend several thousand dollars to Yahoo and other pay-for-inclusion directories (which isn’t guaranteed).

Because of the time involved in optimizing keywords, alt tags, anchors, outgoing links, incoming anchors, and so on you are usually better off letting a Search engine optimization (SEO) specialist handle this so you can spend more time doing what you do best. Make money.

Sorry, I cannot recommend any SEO specialists at this time. Everyone I found so far is either too expensive for the average business owner ($10,000 or more per month) or too abrasive to speak with.

Plus, I have yet to find a reasonably priced SEO specialist who really knows his/her stuff beyond the common knowledge that is available online for free. It would be worth it to pay reasonable fees to have someone manage your placement. Unfortunately those who are really good are interested only in major corporate clients. Who can blame them?

If you don’t want to use the services of a SEO specialist an alternative is to use SEO software such as Web Position Gold, Arelis, Internet Business Promoter and others.

Last I checked all three programs offer free demo versions. Go to to get Alexa and Internet Business Promoter. I’m not sure where the new version of Web Position Gold is being sold. But it should be easy to find via or

Be careful though with Arelis. It has the nasty habit of finding reciprocal link partners who have poor ratings in both Google and Alexa. You’ll need to hand edit the link partners found by Arelis if you do not want to end up wasting time pursuing link partners who are poorly rated in Google and often not listed at all in Alexa.

2) Borrow means to find someone who already has traffic so you can ‘borrow’ some of their traffic in the form of joint ventures or reciprocal linking. It also includes creating content for other sites to use and creating affiliate systems of your own so you can get tens of thousands of people putting your banners on their sites, so you get more search engine attention.

To find joint venture partners or link partners go to and type in a keyword or a phrase related to your business.

Once you find potential link partners with similar markets create a web page on your site with links to each of your potential link partners.

Afterwards send an email to each site owner asking if they will link back to you.

The keys to succeeding with link partners are that the link partner must have a high rating in Alexa and Google, you must create a link to them FIRST, and the letter you send must seriously promote your site as a true advantage to their visitors. Otherwise your request will get sent to the recycle bin.

3) Buy is quite simply what it sounds like. You buy traffic from companies that redirect actual visitors to you from other similar sites. There are many such services. I cannot recommend any only because when it came to dropping $150 to $500 to someone I don’t know I got fearful that I’d somehow get burned, and decided against it.

If you are braver than me go to and search for “guaranteed traffic” or some similar phrase. You will find several merchants who deliver guaranteed traffic (and a bunch of useless e-books). Scroll through the choices until you find someone who sounds trustworthy, has been with Clickbank for sometime, and offers a satisfaction guarantee.

And if things turn out well, let me know and I will share your results with others.

4) A marketing option that few internet marketers consider is offline advertising and publicity for driving traffic to their site. News releases, news papers, television, and so on. When properly executed these are all good for increasing web visitors.

5) Things to avoid:

Don’t bother with the free reciprocal traffic generator systems. They are too easy to cheat. Worse, if you have a low volume site expect low number of referred visitors. These types of traffic generators are a win for the owners of the traffic generators because the owners are guaranteed high distribution no matter how poorly things turn out for others.

There’s a reason the owners never publish anything saying they do not advertise themselves in these systems or compete against you. It’s because the traffic generation system was created in first place to promote the sites of those who own the systems. Free traffic generating software is a lose/lose proposition. Just say NO!

Don’t bother with free classified sites (except AOL and Yahoo classifieds — which are no longer free anyways). No one reads the millions of ads at free classified sites, there are just too many of them. Besides, those who post ads use automation software to send the ads to millions of classified sites without ever visiting the sites personally. Basically a bunch of software “robots” are posting ads, to websites no human ever visits. Big waste of time.

The exception are the few quality classified sites favored by Alexa and Google (like AOL and Yahoo paid classifieds). Those may be worth the money for the links to your site only because Google and Alexa considers those types of classifieds as important. Those sites can help your search engine ranking. A Little.

Those are my secrets to getting more traffic.

Beg, borrow, and buy visitors and your traffic will jump through the roof. Guaranteed.

Andre Bell is an author and marketing advisor. He runs an informational website that provides technology marketing tips and recommendations for Solution Providers, Computer Consultants, and Small VARs. Visit his official site at for his free 9-step technology marketing report.

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