Thursday, September 19, 2024

7 Steps To A Professional Work At Home Business

In the age of the Internet we see many work at home businesses pop up. The sad truth is most look like a homemade mess. Running a successful and professional home business isn’t impossible, but it does take logic, time, determination, and a business mind. So what can be done to make a home business appear more professional? Follow the 7 steps of success used by leaders in the home business arena.

1. Treat A Business Like A Business.

-Tke business seriously

-Dn’t be afraid of hard work

-Have a business plan

-Budget your time, money & resources

-Have business hours

-Post contact information on the website

-Have a separate phone line

-Be compliant with the law – get tax licenses etc.

-Posses professional marketing materials

-Advertise the business


-Develop strategic alliances with other home business owners

-Develop partnerships

-Cross promote

-Find a mentor

2. Professional Business Cards

-Absolutely NO free business cards with logos of the printer on the back

-Business cards should show business name/logo, email and phone at a minimum

-Include a coupon or incentive for customer

3. Exclusive Business Domain Name

-Spend the extra 5.00 a month and 8.95 a year for hosting and a good domain name (ex. instead of just

4. Professional Email Address

-Have a professional email address

-Try to have it at the domain (ex.

-Avoid yahoo, hotmail and other freebie accounts

5. Clean Up, Clean Up

-Have a professional looking website

-Combine links and “fun” things on a separate page

-Don’t clutter the site with useless information make sure it’s related

-Eliminate extra spaces to ensure the home page is not 3 miles long

-Research Search Engine Optimization and find out how to get the website’s placement optimized for success

-Use colors pleasing to the eye

-Make visitors return to the site by offering them tools and other extras that keep them coming back for more

-Offer something free

-Don’t overdo the graphics

-Have an impartial party take a look at the site and offer honest advice

-Tailor the site to its audience

-Be concise and to the point

-Build a site map

-Offer contact information

-Tell your story, after all you are a work at home business owner so use this as an opportunity to make the site more personal while still remaining professional–this is your advantage over the big guys

-Use professional graphics not clipart


6. Customer Service

-Ship items in a timely manner

-Keep customers abreast of the status of their order

-Have a working customer service email

-Have a working customer service phone number

-Listen to the customer

-Give customers something extra

-Thank the customer

7. Show Stability

-Prove to the customers you’re not going anywhere

-Don’t give up

-Don’t open, close, and reopen your site continuously

-When on vacation find someone to cover the site or conduct business remotely

-ADVERTISE – it shows stability and the repetition creates branding

-Stick to your guns

Tara Crooks is the site owner and editor of Taras journey with WAHM
Advertising began with the launch of her first site in June
2001. Since, she has earned a profitable living by building
a great WAHM advertising resource & network in Advertising
Moms. She is a PROUD Army Wife and WAHM!

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