Friday, September 20, 2024

You’re going to FAIL most of your Marketing Efforts. Why is it GOOD?

Failure. We all know the taste of it. When we fail – we usually have no strength to continue. We place another ad and lose money. But it’s good in some way. Let’s see.

When you fail – that means you do at least something. And most people do nothing. Being in contact with many webmasters I hear a lot of “I should try to get some links”.

Okay, I say – Do It! He exchanges 10-15 links, but they don’t seem to be working and he thinks it’s a failure. Well, it’s not yet. He stops exchanging links and engages in Pay-Per-Click engines. He spends $50 and gets nothing again.

Total failure. He stops and says: “Nah! There’s no money in Internet! How do you make money?”

And my answer is somewhat like Edison developed a light bulb: he made 30 000 mistakes or as he said he had found 30 000 ways that don’t make light bulb.

How do I make money in Internet? How do I make sites popular? Well, first I have found a thousand ways that don’t make money and don’t make sites popular. Why?

Because there are much more wrong ways to do something than right ways. And one should try many many things before he succeeds. But it’s not “failure”! It’s “way to success”!

Made a mistake? You’re on your way to make it right. Just stop paying too much attention to mistakes.

People tend to discuss many negative things, because it gets strong emotions. Newspapers help that tendency alot. And sooner or later people start to put a lot of accent into mistakes than to new tries.

Advertising didn’t work out like it should have been? Try again! Try sonething different.

Do you want to get new ideas? Go out for a walk. Stop doing anything you did before and go out. As plain as it may sound – it’s high tech 22nd century Internet Marketing tool: walking out!

You have already got many facts. You just need to think them, categorize them. Or go take a bath. Give yourself some time to think and the success will be on his way to you!

Heard what Bernard Shaw said? “Few people think more than two or three times a year. I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week”

Make that idea fill your brain. Think often. The more you think – the less your mistakes mean to you. Drop the words like “mistake”, “failure”. Start to think of it as: “not working way” or “way to success”.

You didn’t fail, you’ve just discovered a new non-working way to do something.

Pay-Per-Click doesn’t work for you? Try it a new way. Buy some book on PPC or try banner advertising. Some people show that ezine advertising works better for them, others show that PPC can be fine-tuned so much that no other way of promotion can achieve that conversion ratio.

Just try to do something new. But! Very special point here. As soon as you achieve a little success (for example, start to make a little money off internet) – many of you would stop doing anything. Now that’s a real failure!

If something is right – leave it to work and find new ways to do more right things. PPC worked and you’re getting some money? Put aside 50% of profits and try banner advertising, for example. Or ezine advertising. Or hire a search engine optimization professional.

So. No mistake is a mistake if you don’t think of it. No failure is failure, it’s a way to success.

Max Clixel is an author of “Clixelling your way to Marketing”.

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