Friday, September 20, 2024

WebSourced Launches SEM Conference

Websourced announced the launch of its conference on effective search engine marketing (SEM).

WebSourced’s SEM Live will take place Tuesday, October 26, at the RBC Center in Raleigh, North Carolina. The conference is aimed at business owners, marketing managers, webmasters and those who want to learn the “how-tos” of search engine marketing. Educational sessions will include a panel discussion on pay-per-click advertising with speakers invited from Google and Yahoo!’s Overture Services.

WebSourced, the world’s largest search engine optimization company, helps clients design a well-rounded online marketing presence that will generate new business and continue to keep revenues high. The company works with clients to increase their web presence and rank on leading search engines such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN; build new websites that leverage online sales technology; and design improved infrastructure for order fulfillment and financial transactions.

“SEM Live represents the natural progression of our company’s growth. WebSourced’s knowledge and experience is unparalleled. This educational outreach demonstrates the leadership role WebSourced plays in the industry,” Pat Martin, WebSourced CEO and president.

WebSourced’s roster of 1,300 plus clients includes market leaders such as Lowe’s Home Improvement, NBC, Alaska Airlines, LasikPlus, Peopleclick and Experian.

“Unlike other industry conferences, SEM Live is designed solely for the corporate community. The conference will focus on SEM techniques not covered at other seminars and reveal how to get your company’s website to the top of the search engines,” stated Andy Beal, conference moderator and vice president of search engine marketing at WebSourced.

Attendance at SEM Live is limited to 200 participants and the event is expected to sell out quickly. The cost of the all-day seminar is $99 for North Carolina residents who register before September 30 and $199 thereafter. For out of state participants, the cost is $199 if the registration is received before September 30 and $299 thereafter.

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