Thursday, September 19, 2024

DMA Praises Department of Justice and FBI for Spam-related Law Enforcement

The Direct Marketing Association (The DMA) today praised the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for their substantial spam-related law-enforcement activities and actions.

Several arrests and other legal actions against alleged spammers were announced today by U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft at a press conference held at DOJ headquarters in Washington, DC.

“We congratulate the Department of Justice and the FBI for developing and bringing these cases against alleged criminal spammers,” said John A. Greco, Jr., president & CEO, The DMA. “And we are pleased that The DMA was able to assist in some of these cases through its collaboration with the FBI on Operation SLAM Spam.

“We hope that our participation and support of Operation SLAM Spam further demonstrates that legitimate marketers are putting a stake in the ground, and are letting spammers know that we aren’t going to give up on the promise of e-mail as a trusted and reliable vehicle for global commerce, communication, and education, without putting up a very hard fight,” said Greco.

“Today marks a new milestone in the war on spam,” said H. Robert Wientzen, president emeritus, The DMA. “Legal actions have been announced against several egregious alleged spammers that could land them behind bars. And we are confident that today’s Department of Justice announcement is just the beginning — those who continue to send spam will be pursued, and we pledge our continued support of the Department of Justice’s and FBI’s anti-spam efforts.”

“For too long, spammers have operated with impunity,” said Greco. “For too long they have taken comfort in the shadows of cyberspace. Today’s announcement fundamentally alters the playing field by telling spammers loud and clear that they can — and will — be found, and that there will be severe consequences when that happens.

“We also cannot forget the Senate and House Commerce and Judiciary Committees and their leaderships — without which the CAN SPAM Act could not have been passed,” said Greco. “This is a powerful new law that is essential for combating spam.”

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