Thursday, September 19, 2024

IDEAlliance Announces Full Program for XML Conference and Exposition 2004

IDEAlliance today announced the full program for XML Conference and Exposition 2004, being held Nov. 15 – 19 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C.

The theme of this year’s conference is “XML — From Syntax to Solutions.” Presenters will include industry titans such as Microsoft, DaimlerChrysler, IBM and Oracle, as well as renowned industry analysts and smaller firms working on the cutting edge of XML technologies and solutions.

“This year’s conference will be our most comprehensive and informative event ever,” says Lauren Wood, XML 2004 Conference Chair. “Regardless of what industry you’re involved in and markets you may be targeting, we’ll have important information on XML-based solutions to help your business.”

Duane Nickull, Senior Standards Strategist with Adobe Systems, says, “At Adobe, we recognize the growing acceptance of XML-based technologies among our customers and in industry at large. We’re long-time supporters of the XML body of standards, as well as the XML Conference and Exhibition.”

“The U.S. government is turning to XML technologies and solutions to solve a host of information-management and communications challenges,” says Brand Niemann, Computer Scientist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “XML 2004 will provide a unique look into some of these initiatives, offering private organizations insight into how to approach government XML projects.”

XML 2004’s educational programs will cover a wide array of critical XML topics. Educational “tracks” will include:

— B2B – The technologies and the systems used for business-to- business communication of different types. This includes the ebXML family of standards and specifications, as well as Web Services.

— Case Studies – The application of some XML technology to a project that has moved well into the implementation stage and/or the production stage.

— Client Applications – Applications of XML that are focused on the user experience, including desktop applications.

— Core Technologies – The basic standards and specifications that are the foundation of XML technologies and systems.

— Government – XML and government related projects.

— Graphics/Multimedia – XML in graphics and multimedia applications.

— Integration – Integrating products from different parts of a company, or different companies, to enable information to be transferred from one application to another, or to enable combining of information from more than one application. The applications typically come from different vendors. Web services are often part of the underlying technology.

— Knowledge Management – Metadata, the semantic Web, RDF, topic maps, and related topics. Content management systems often include knowledge management components.

— Late Breaking News – Sessions reserved for bringing you up-to-date news on a technology or case study. The XML 2004 Planning Committee will be accepting proposals up until October 4, 2004.

— Product Presentations – Presentations which showcase the latest in XML-related products and/or services. The XML 2004 Planning Committee will be accepting proposals up until October 4, 2004.

— Interoperability Demonstrations – Co-hosts will be producing interoperability demonstrations.

— Publishing – All aspects of publishing information, including publishing to print, online, CD-ROMs, and on demand.

— Storing XML – Storing and retrieving XML, including databases of all types and content management systems.

— Town Halls – Interactive forums designed to allow all attendees the opportunity to voice their opinion in an open session.

— Vertical Industries – The systems and markup languages in use in different vertical industries.

— Web Services – The Web Services family of specifications and standards, which is designed to provide a method for application-to-application communication using the Internet.

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