Friday, September 20, 2024

Getting To the Top of Google for High Traffic Keywords

Go to, type “click here” into the search box and guess what comes up first?

The Acrobat Reader download page.

You just saw the powerful value of incoming links to your website.

Here’s why Acrobat Reader comes up first:

Even though the page is not “optimized” for the term “click here”, over 500,000 other web pages point back to that one page using the linking text (the blue underlined part of the link) with the words “click here.”

Two factors at play: The number of incoming links to the page as well as the text in those links.

What if you wanted to get to the top of the listings for “Baseball Expert”? Simple: Get tons of sites to link to your page using the text “Baseball Expert” in the linking text.

This works even if the words never appear on your page.

So, how can you get this done? Here are a few keys:

1. Choose a domain name containing the keywords you want to target.

Since many other sites will link to yours using your domain name, you want to have your best keyword phrase in your domain. But you can take it a step further…

Since pages other than your “main page” may also be linked to, name them according to the keywords you would like to target as well. For instance, if you wanted to get “Baseball Expert” you might try this link…

Then, when others link to the page, they are including the keyword phrases you want them to use automatically.

2. Provide linking text FOR people to link to which is exactly what you want it to read.

This is what we do here:

This page contains a particular linking code/text we would like people to use. When people use this linking text they create a positive search-engine keyword phrase in the linking text.

3. Buy or trade out text links.

You can buy or trade text links on related sites which will contain the exact text you wish to have. Because you have complete control of what the text link says, you can then control how your site is linked to.

These three techniques will result in getting your site highly listed for the keywords you choose. For complete details on how to accomplish this, check out this link on Search Engine Results:

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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