Friday, September 20, 2024

Are You in the “Right” Job?

Are you doing what you really want, what comes natural to you, or what someone else wants you to do? And your natural tendencies can be seen on your face!

Your face is a gateway to your past, present, and future. Your face has answers for you. And if you would like to find your “right” career, I would like to help.

Using Physiognomy (Face Reading), I developed the “Doin’ What Comes Naturally Profile” to help you succeed in life with the career, you were born to. Your face reveals your personality. Knowing the personality behind the face, you can avoid problems, communicate better, thus improve relationships. 68 personality traits have been statistically validated to coincide with features on the face.

Certain personality traits are best suited for specific careers. Teachers need to be tolerant (wide eye spacing), tactful (indented temples), optimistic (upturned mouth), confident, (wide face). Entrepreneurs should be risk takers (long triangular nostrils), ambitious (high forehead), confident (more head behind the ears and wide face), analytical (no visible eyelids). Start with the basic face and body shape. Very skinny people do well in show business. Thin people are intellects, and like to work as teachers or scientists. Slender people do well in management and leadership positions. Square/muscular people are good in labor, the military and outdoor jobs. Round/heavy people like to be around people. They do well in business and sales. Face Reading, an easy method of understanding the personality behind the face and choosing a career, goes back to Hippocrates. After 13 years of researching the science of Physiognomy, I the “Doin’ What Comes Naturally Profile. The Profile can be done via the internet.

It took me 30 years and Face Reading to help me find what comes natural to me. I want to help you avoid the frustration and heartache I Are you doing what you really want, what comes natural to you, or what someone else wants you to do?went through.

I could never figure out why I was never satisfied in office jobs. It wasn’t until I got into Face Reading that I found myself. I am a very curious and creative person, who was born to write and teach.

Kathy Thompson, is a writer, speaker, profiler, coach, who can
help you discover a life of fulfillment and success through her
“Doin’ What Comes Naturally Profile.” Complete details are
at; You can pick up
a FREE report, “The Silent Interview.”

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