Thursday, October 24, 2024

Ask Jeeves To Review 3m Media Account

The third largest search engine in the UK, Ask Jeeves, is set to review the 3m media account out of Media Planning Group and Profero. Previously reported in murdok back in April, Ask Jeeves discontinued its use of banner ads on the UK search site.

According to, a spokesman for Ask Jeeves denied a review was under way. “Insiders said the company was talking to other agencies and intended to move a large portion of its adspend below the line.” According to Nielsen Media Research, Ask Jeeves spends most of its advertising budget on television.”

Back in March, the company made it pretty clear that it wanted to take on the search engine giant Google by acquiring the US search engine Excite for $343 million.

Ask Jeeves developed a new strapline, “Ask Jeeves – the find engine”, to be used on all advertising. This was designed to replace “Should’ve asked Jeeves” which had been in use since 2000, in hopes that this would make the user think more of getting results rather than the search itself. Last year, Ask Jeeves dropped the butler form their advertising, feeling that he no longer represented the range of the services offered by the brand.

To discuss Ask Jeeves visit WebProWorld, the murdok forum.

Jeremy Muncy is a staff writer for

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