Yes, it’s true. Saying “No” is a great way of getting people to want what you’ve got even more.
The problem is, most small businesses rarely say no to anyone, so they never get to see the power of this two- letter word in action. While it’s always a risky strategy, saying “No” can be a really good way of making your business even more desirable.
Here Are 4 Ways “Saying No” Can Get A “Yes”
1. Child – Adult
When you were a kid, you’ll remember that some things were for adults only. Your mom or dad would say, “This Vodka, Whisky, Beer is for adults, not for you.” Then as kids we would either sneakily try it out when their backs were turned, try pleading with them for a “little taste” or eagerly await the day we were old enough to try it. When we did finally try it we’d nearly choke and then pretend to ourselves that the putrid tasting liquid burning our throat actually tasted good! This little fib will then follow a good proportion of us into our adulthood.
Simply telling someone that “this is not for you” will appeal to the rebellious child in them and make them want it all the more. Bonkers but true!
Here’s the closing part (slightly modified) of a sales presentation (dressed up as a cosmic health seminar) I remember hearing. Although this particular example is blatantly obvious when you know what you’re looking for, it created a massive rush of people paying over 2000 each at the back of the room…
“Right, so you’ve heard me speak for 20 minutes now, about how I cured my own halitosis through the power of positive thinking. Now I’d just like to tell you about a 3 day workshop I’m running called ‘The Smell Journey’ but before I tell you any more, I should just make a few things clear. This workshop is not for everyone! Only people who are smart, decisive, intelligent, wise, open minded and ready for a better future should come and sign up today at the desks that you’ll find right next to all the exits.”
While I’ve obviously amended the message for our amusement, this pattern really worked for the presenter and will work for you too.
2. Don’t Doesn’t Work…
Why is it that when people tell us not to do something it seems to happen as if by magic? How many times has someone said, “watch you don’t fall” just before someone goes crashing to the floor? Could it be that by saying don’t do something you could cause that thing to happen. Yes! Absolutely!
Here’s an experiment…
Right, I don’t want you to think of a pink monkey…Now don’t think of that pink monkey dancing and playing a purple guitar…
And whatever you do, please don’t imagine that the pink monkey is dancing on the back of a green elephant riding a motorbike.
While I can’t actually prove you weren’t thinking those thoughts, I’m 100% certain that you were.
“Not” is just a word – but as humans we usually have to experience something in order to understand what “not” to do something would be like.
I actually tried a headline out that simply said…
“Do Not Read This Ad…”
The response rate went up by almost 500% from the previous headline I used!
What would you do if you received an envelope that had these words written on it…
“Do Not Open This Envelope”
I know what I’d do!
3. I Want It, I Want It, I Want It!
If something is not readily available it increases in desirability and value. Just think about diamonds or precious metals. They’re little more than pretty stones or shiny metals. We can create equally attractive jewellery without them yet people will put their life at risk, commit crimes and even kill people to acquire them.
If you are selective about who you choose to work with, people will attach much more value and pride to working with you. Harvard Business School understands this, DeVeers understand this, Ferrari understands this.
Harley Davidson actually turned its business around by creating an 18 month waiting list.
So tell people they can’t have you and give them a positive (or aspirational) reason why and many will go out of their way to find a way of getting to the top of your waiting list.
4. Polarity Responders
Some people are habitual polarity responders. If you tell them to do something, they’ll resist. If you tell them not to do it they’ll go ahead and do it. In the right circumstances we all do this polarity response. When you recognise it you can use it to devastating effect.
For instance if you get a prospect who’s being really testy – saying things like “XYZ Co’s prices are lower than yours! Why is that?” or “Why should I trust you?” the worst thing you can do is try and give them a convincing answer. They’ll just create a new objection. Here’s what I’d do instead…
CUSTOMER: “XYZ Co are cheaper than you. Why shouldn’t I just go with them?”
YOU: “You’re right XYZ Co are cheaper than me. I believe you only get what you pay for but if price is an issue for you then maybe you should just use them instead.”
CUSTOMER: “Why should I just trust what you say?”
YOU: “I don’t want you trust what I’ve just said. I want you to consider the facts and make up your own mind about which solution is right for you.”
I’d urge you to practice these approaches in a safe environment first – ie where you’re not too bothered whether you get a sale or not. Once you see how it works first hand then have some fun with it and trust yourself to use it tactic only when appropriate.
Why do some people seem to magically attract new
business while others face rejection after rejection?
Can you really get more business success by doing
and spending less? The Answer Is Yes ==>
“Dangerous” Debbie Jenkins is a marketer, author and
stand-up comedian who helps the owners of small expert
businesses get more success by doing and spending less.
Join her F^REE Lean Marketing eZine here ==>