Thursday, September 19, 2024

Getting Visitors To Your Website

Every home-based business owner that uses the internet to conduct their business needs visitors or quality traffic to their website in order to be successful. Their have been countless articles and e-books written about how to best optimize your website for the search engines, how to get a high google page rank, etc. All this is important but how do you keep these visitors coming back to your site on a regular basis? I have outlined a few suggestions below that may help you attract and keep people coming back to your site time after time.

1. Content is King!

Quality content that is both informative and useful as well as updated is crucial if you hope to attract people to your home-based business opportunity website. Newly written articles written by you or by someone else that is relevant to your business opportunity or business on the net should be used on your website and updated every few weeks. You can use article directories to find quality articles for your website if you do not have any of your own to use.

2. Free Stuff

Giving away free stuff is also a good way to attract people to your website. People love free stuff. You may choose to give away a free membership into an online shopping club or free entry for your visitors to a contest you may want to host on your website.

3. Free E-Books

Giving away free e-books are very popular on the internet. Most business opportunity websites you visit today offer this and it can also be considered as viral marketing if you brand it with your affiliate opportunities and allow your visitors to download it and give it away on their own websites or e-zines.

4. Free Software

Just like giving away free e-books, giving away free software is also a popular way of attracting visitors. Anything that helps with your business like a toolbar or scripts to help with search engine optimization is very good in bringing visitors to your website.

5. Free Subscription

Give away a free subscription to your e-zine with a free gift. Every internet marketer nowadays has their own e-zine, so competition is fierce. Giving away a free gift for signing up will distinguish you from your competition.

6. Free Online Courses

Offer your visitors free online courses with relevant content. Anything that will help them with their business.

7. Offer Free Consulting/Support

Offer your visitors the chance to get free consulting/support via email or telephone from you. This is good way to build a relationship with your visitors.

8. Offer Buy 1 Get 1 Free!

You can also offer your visitors deals on your products or services. A buy 1 product at one price and get another product of equal value for free.

Using the interent for your home-based business is a very congested and competitive place. Anytime you can distinguish yourself from your competition and keep your site visitors happy and coming back for more you more likely to be successful. Good luck!

Dirk Wagner is the CEO of,
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