Thursday, September 19, 2024

How to Profitably Run Your Affiliate Business

Pretty much every week someone comes to me saying, “I am trying to promote affiliate programs. How can I increase my checks?”

In most cases, the answer is simple: Run your business like a business.

Most people starting out online with affiliate programs make the mistake of “flying by the seat of their pants” rather than creating a profitable stream of income. Here are some keys to creating pyramiding profits from any affiliate centered business:

1. Focus on building your list

If you want to be successful, take time to build your list. Your own list will allow you to advertise for zero dinero to hundreds and thousands of potential customers.

I have some ideas on list building for affiliates here:

2. Promote yourself as well as products

If you want to have people respond when you recommend a product, make sure you are building your own reputation. How do you build a reputation? Simple: Provide solid, free information to your house list. Over time you will build your image in the mind of your list and they will respond by paying you again and again.

3. Plan your promotions ahead of time

Some affiliates–the ones who fail–often take a shot-gun approach to marketing: When something new comes along they tell their subscribers about it. Often many times per month.

A successful affiliate business will only promote one product at a time, and only a product with real value to their list. It will be a planned promotion consisting of mailers and articles designed to capture the interest of their readers.

4. Invest in advertising

Successful affiliates put at least 50% of their commissions back into future promotions. By tracking their progress they are able to see which ads work, which ones don’t and how to grow income from one month to the next.

Just taking 50 cents from every dollar you earn can change your business from struggling to overwhelming success in just a few months. If you take 100% and invest it for the next few months, you will see even greater returns.

While this short article doesn’t give you everything you need to succeed, I will guarantee you will see solid results from putting these methods to work. For a more in-depth look at affiliate success, pick up my free report here:

Or my “Earning Your First $1,000 Online” here:

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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