Thursday, September 19, 2024

Success Stories: $1 Million His First Year

Here’s a success story for you: Launch a site in January, be making $120,000 per month by May.

Pretty impressive, huh?

Not only that, he claims virtually anyone can duplicate his methods and have similar results. Maybe you won’t make a million your first year, but would it be so bad to hit $300 or $400K? Yeah, I thought so.

Who is this wunderkind? Brad Fallon of

Brad was, by trade, a search engine optimization expert. When I first heard that I thought, “OK, now I get it. If you are an SE Expert you can accomplish this.”

Brad dismisses that notion. “I can teach almost anyone to get similar results in just an hour and a half.”

Brad took time to record a 60 minute interview with my friend Andy Jenkins. Andy is making that available to anyone who signs up for his newsletter-you need to get your copy here:

Here are some of the keys to Brad’s success:

1. Brad Chose a High-Demand Niche

Brad looked online and found a niche he knew would have solid demand for some time to come.

2. He also chose a niche he could dominate on the SE’s

This is also a key part of his strategy: Not only did he pick a high-demand niche, he chose one he could dominate on the search engines. The combination is a powerful one.

3. Brad hired help to cover low-value tasks

Instead of spending time doing things like filling orders and answering the phone, Brad quickly hired people to cover the “minimum wage” tasks so he could focus his time on high-profit activities. Now he even has his father-in-law working for him!

To see more of how Brad is earning a huge online income, go to:

To see more success stories like Brad’s, go to:

Are you likely to follow Brad’s lead and do as well your first year? Probably not, but listen to his interview and I will guarantee it will not only increase your own confidence, it will also give you some ideas that will help you make your own sites a success.

As I write this, Andy and Brad are in the recording studio to create tutorial videos showing anyone exactly how they can imitate Brad’s success. I set up an agreement with Andy (and parted with $10K) to make sure I-Marketer readers were the first to see them. They are expected to be done mid-June and I will let you know then how you can download them. If you want to make sure you get a copy, go here:

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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