Friday, October 18, 2024

How Web Services Spurt Multi-Bidder Real Time Auctions

Banner-alike real-time auctioning Web Services can be easily incorporated into websites – just like a regular banner.

Then offering products on the websites with most massive visitors’ traffic becomes everywhere’s business reality. Rather than mere ad, it is about embedding full-featured selling counter, which enables consumers to accomplish shopping without leaving their favorite websites. Yes, real-time auctions happen right here spreading points of sales over the most man-tended sites on the Web. Selling goods to audience of thousands instead of dozens – this is indeed unique value proposition. real-time auctioning Web Service transforms a regular retailer’s banner ad on any web site to his own selling booth. Just to lay out goods and to start sales.

To get extra market share

Businesses trend to increase their market share. The delta is taken from those competitors, who postpone adopting innovative sales models. Real-time auctions create one of such models. They establish a new, intriguing sales channel.

To generate demand wave

Auction sales are like gambling. They attract people much more than outdated and bored product catalogs, they supply action. Being revealed on highly attended web sites, online auctions draw inward a multitude of visitors to become buyers. Carrying out such a spectacular exciting auction scenario, online auctions offer the perfect solution for businesses chasing to increase their sales.

To raise sales

Which way online auctions raise sales? The answer is: by embedding fully functional booth into highly ranked web sites. Such a way, point of sale comes in place of ad banner while thousands of visitors get exposed to gambling excitement. They become buyers.

To get control

People who engage in commerce or trade would not like to entrust their core business to somebody else’s hands. They know this way is dangerous forasmuch their business might become of somebody else’s business. To engage online auctions merchandisers need flexible tools, those would allow them to conduct online auctions on their own behalf – items, prices, time slots, and winners; in real time, around the clock, everywhere.

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D. Raizman is recognized by the community of IT gurus and practitioners as a world-class technologist, pioneer and visioneer, especially in the areas of Web Services and distributed computing, as well as in predicting of the upcoming software industry trends. Under his guidance several software companies achieved a well-established reputation of excellence with the toughest of customers.

D. Raizman has spent more than 20 years of his career helping IT organizations productively build real-world business applications. He has held various positions in the IT sector ranging from software development and project management, and up to the leading of a software start-up, which was acquired afterwards by one of the foremost giants of the software industry. Recently Mr. Raizman founded a new software start-up: which is developing innovative model-driven service framework – Web Services Factory.

D. Raizman holds M.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science. A noted business leader and consultant in the industry, he is often-invited speaker at several IT conferences and welcomed writer for the most reputable industry magazines such as: O’Relly, eBIZQ, SDTimes and others.

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