Thursday, September 19, 2024

Yahoo To Increase Email Storage

In a response to Gmail and its highly publicized storage capabilities (1 gig), Yahoo announced that they would be changing the amount of storage it offers its members.

The upgrade calls for members that are using free accounts to move from 4MB to 100MB. Users that pay for Yahoo’s extended email services, according to a quote in CNet’s article from a Yahoo executive, will be given “virtually unlimited storage”, which, of course, will have some limitations. It’s just that the defined limits are not known at this time. But you can expect it to rival Google’s gigabyte.

Shedding more light on Yahoo’s ultimate goal in its email service, Jim Brock, Yahoo’s senior vice president of communication and consumer services says “[t]he objective here is to make storage quotas irrelevant to users.”

Yahoo’s increased storage is expected to be available this summer.

rustybrick over at SERoundtable made a really fine point about Yahoo’s email upgrade this morning: “I think the 4MB to 100MB upgrade will make an impact on the Yahoo! mail users. Google still has this whole privacy debate going on and they are still only on invite only terms. Yahoo! is established and the 4MB user is really going to love the extra 96MB.”

This move punctuated the end of a very active and very productive day for Yahoo yesterday. (This announcement came out around 3:00 PDT) It appears the company has stepped up its role in the fight with Google for portal/search engine supremacy. The company made a number of moves that solidified its place as the number 1, and perhaps, only legitimate threat to Google’s throne.

Read more about Yahoo’s productive day here, here, and here.

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