Thursday, September 19, 2024

Google Launches Google Blog

Following on the heels of the facelift, Google has launched a blog of its own. Promising “insight into the news, technology, and culture of Google,” the search engine intends to use the blog to keep people posted on the “latest word direct from the Googleplex”.

As pointed out by Google Blogoscoped, Google’s blog does not have an RSS feed. The only subscription format that Google’s blog supports is ATOM.

Google is wasting no time in getting the company message out for others to read. The 2nd entry deals with attacks on Google’s outsourcing. Google opened a research and development center in Zurich and received kudos from the European community. When they opened a R&D center in India, critics start harping about the outsourcing of American jobs.

The Google poster defends Google’s position by stating it’s the company’s desire to have an international impact, not save money by sending jobs to countries with cheap labor. This stance seems to be bolstered by the fact the Google is indeed hiring computer engineers for their Mountain View facility.

Google’s blog will be overseen by Evan Williams. The man, not the bourbon. Evan was one of the founders of Pyra Labs, the creators of Blogger. He came to Google with the Pyra/Blogger purchase. Evan remains the program manager for Blogger.

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