Friday, September 20, 2024

UCmore Offers Enlightened Search On Toolbar

Search engine toolbars have become a very popular item, giving users the ability to search from their browser without actually visiting any particular search engine. All major search engines offer a toolbar of some sort, with this design in mind.

In light of the toolbar explosion, UCmore has introduced a search enhancing toolbar that is designed to give users relevant suggestions based on the keywords they searched. UCmore was designed to “bring you great ideas for where to go next by extending your menu bar with search results whenever you Surf or Search.”

Like most search toolbars, UCmore resides in the taskbar of the users browser. When a user searches a keyword or visits a site of interest, UCmore gives users a list of relevant sites pertaining to the keyword searched or the site visited.

The example the site uses is a screenshot of a surfer visiting Fox’s website for the television show 24. UCmore suggests a list of sites that are relevant to the subject of the website. The screenshot demonstrates UCmore in action.
UCmore uses the technology founded by Effective-i, called the Predictive Analytical Engine. The theory behind PAE is “a learning system that categorizes, organizes, and delivers information, drawing connections between digital information items that were otherwise not apparent.” This technology is what makes UCmore’s suggestions possible.

An unfortunate drawback to UCmore is that it only work in Internet Explorer version 5 or higher. This is a drawback for those who have shunned and/or are unable to use Microsoft’s browser.

For those privacy junkies who don’t like the idea of UCmore monitoring browsing habits, the site has a VeriSign privacy logo stating that the company does not:

Spy on browser habits
Launch pop-ups or pop-unders
Hijack your searches
Create security holes

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