Thursday, September 19, 2024

Finding Those Elusive Home Jobs on the Net

Finding home employment does not have to be a nightmare. You just need to know the secrets on how to find them! I have become somewhat of an expert in this field, due to the hours I spend every night looking for these jobs. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist or an Internet expert to locate these elusive jobs. First of all you need to get familiar with job banks. Job banks are web sites that list thousands of jobs by employers across the nation and even the world. I recommend starting a “favorites” file or a new “bookmark” file called Job Banks, this way you can easily save these URL’s for easy access. My favorite job banks are:

These are all great to start with but I recommend getting as many job banks lined up as possible. You can find these sites by simply typing in “employment” or “jobs” at any major search engine. Once you compile a nice list of sites you need to know how to search them. All of them have certain search criteria so read up and learn what each one is. The keyword is the best way to find home employment. I find typing in “work at home” (in quotes) works well “telecommute” “home based” “virtual office” or just “home” all came up with results. Another hot spot for finding a job is your online newspaper! I find dozens of jobs in newspapers across the country. Almost all the major newspapers are on the Internet. Locate your local paper and search for a work at home job online. Be sure o use all of the keywords listed above! My favorite web site to search over 90 national newspapers is:

There are many online web sites that feature telecommuting jobs as well. These jobs are updates daily or weekly and offer a variety of positions. All are free to view and apply for.

Another great way to find a job is to visit companies that offer the same services that you would like to do. As an example: If you do data entry, you would look for companies that offer data entry services. Visit these web sites and nine out of ten times there will be a “opportunities” or “employment” section looking for data entry clerks. If you are interested in word processing or administrative then look for companies that offer these services. Even if they don’t, e-mail them a resume, you never know when they will be looking!

But the #1 WAY TO GET HIRED IS TO GET YOUR RESUME OUT THERE! Post your resume to as many job banks in your local area and on the Internet as possible! Don’t be shy. A word of caution, make your resume “private” I recommend your name and e-mail address only. Also be sure your resume is professional, the best it can be. Remember you are competing against many others the employee may be considering. The best resume will win, even though you may have more years of experience or are better qualified. This is the only thing the employer has to judge you by. If your resume screams “sloppy” or “unclear”, you will be passed up. Would you ever show up to a job interview in ripped sweats and a T-shirt? If your resume is unprofessional this is the appearance you are creating. Cover letters are just as vital as the resume, sometimes even more important. This is your introduction, your “Here I am and I know you are gonna want to hire me” statement. So, take a look at your resume, does it let your future employer know what job you want, highlights your best skills for the job, advertises your past work experience and education?

The first thing to do is to go to some of these sites and get your resume posted online for FREE:,

In closing, I want to say that work at home jobs ARE out there. Just take your time; create a nice professional resume and search! Search! Search! Please remember we have a fantastic list of job sites here at I have spent years compiling it — check it out today:

Kelly Land is the owner-publisher of:

MoneyMakingMommy has been featured in national magazine Woman’s
World, as the “Hot Website for Moms”. Get a free weekly newsletter
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