Saturday, October 5, 2024

5 Ways to Grow Your Internet Affiliate Business Organically

Growing your internet home business organically means there are similarities to organic farming. An organic farmer knows that if he develops healthy soil, he will have healthy plants. He also knows that “to every thing there is a time and a season.” You can’t harvest in the spring, or plant in the winter.

1. Nourishing the soil in preparation for planting your business means identifying your expertise and passion, and researching to find out what’s “hot”. What is it you want to grow? What seeds do you already have? What affiliate program suits you best? Find the product or products you can endorse, the company with a history that also offers the best commission rate, the experienced team that will support and help you all the way.

Next research your competition. Who are they? Why would a customer rather buy from you? Study their websites and find your niche. What makes your site special? The beauty of the internet is that the “playing field” is level. Big biz competes side by side with small.

2. Promoting your business is like irrigating and cultivating. How and where will you place ads? Keep exact records of where you advertise and what results you achieve. Prune back what doesn’t work. Link to like sites with good content.

3. Nourishment is adding articles, maybe a blog, tweak that website! Search engines love changes. Nourish your mind, too. Read the success stories of those who have gone before,join a business organization and connect with mentors, form partnerships. There is nothing to keep you from joining your local Chamber of Commerce. Swap ads with webmasters whose sites complement yours.

4. Before you know it, you may be swamped and need some help. The “organic” way to grow is to ask family members to pitch in. They’re already expecting to share the wealth once it’s harvest time anyways, they’ll probably be willing to help get you there.

5. After you’ve harvested, at some point you will think about planting new seeds. Once your website is getting lots of hits and your business is blooming, your articles are out there and your name is being recognized, you can capitalize on your success by developing a product of your own. It will seem natural to turn your articles into a book, or develop an internet business course or newsletter.

There’s nothing easy or effortless about developing your own business, but also nothing quite as exciting or rewarding.

Time to start nourishing that soil…

Glenn Beach is a poet, writer and home business entrepreneur in Nova Scotia, Canada. Free newsletter, more articles, and business start-up info at:

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